Friday, September 18th, 2020

Hi Everyone,

Today, we started off the day with continuing to read our read-aloud, “Wonder” by R.J. Palaccio. I believe this book is important as it really emphasizes themes of inclusion, acceptance, and kindness. The students recorded the main idea and details of two chapters we read today.

Then, we brainstormed events for our timeline and autobiography project. The students recorded three events that they could include for the categories: Firsts, Favourites, Changes, and Achievements.

After going outside, we reviewed the Canadian map with the province names, territories, locations, and capital cities. Then the students went off to Music.

After Music, the students worked on their split short stories. Yesterday, they wrote the first part of their stories and today another student will continue  the story on the next page for another student. I’m excited to see how these turn out.

After lunch, the student works on their ADST catapults and we had a catapult competition to see if how far students could launch marshmallows on the basketball court. It was so much fun! We had  multiple competitions: a standing competition, a sitting competition, and a Grade 4 and Grade 5 competition. Then, the students had community time at the end of the day where they engaged in building with KEVA blocks, board games, reading or drawing.

Their homework is to write one page in their journal on what they would do if  they had a million dollars and it is due on Monday morning.

Have a lovely weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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