Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we had a great day of Science!

We started off with our spelling test on planet and advertisement words. Then, Ms. Schmidt came in to do her lesson with the kids about leadership.

After snack and DPA, we worked on painting our papier maché planets. They are looking great and we will finish them tomorrow. The kids really took the time to decide how to make their planets look accurate to the actual planets. After lunch, we worked on making our own constellation replicas of various assigned constellations in partners and students had to recreate them with string and stars and had to research five facts about their constellation. We will also finish this tomorrow, but the kids had a good start on it, which was great and worked together well!

Then, they had time to work on their advertisements, which are due tomorrow! (fully coloured!).

At the end of the day, Ms. Berto came and did her writing lesson on writing with voice! The kids did so so so well on this! 🙂

Report cards are also going home tonight.


Ms. Wilks

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