Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we read more of Castle in the Attic and filled out our connections literature circle role in preparation for Term 3 literature circle roles. Students made text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections to the chapter of the book we read. After, we worked on our hundredths chart Math mini Art project where students made a design on a chart with a hundred squares and then had to write decimals and fractions to represent how much of each colour they used in order to practice their writing of numbers involving hundredths. If this is not done it is due tomorrow.

After DPA & Snack, the students went to Music to play guitars.

After lunch, we worked on writing sentences with juicy words and applied our thesaurus words to make more riveting sentences = 3-scoop sentences instead of 1-scoop sentences with the analogy of sentences as ice cream cones. After that, students either continued working on their myths with their group if they were not done their rough copy (it is due on Thursday and students will have time to work on it on computers tomorrow). If the students were in good standing with their projects they worked on their recyclable material ships.

After recess, we watched a video on vikings and their long boats a.k.a. knarrs. We talked about the features we noticed in knarrs and how the Vikings used oars to row as a team. We identified different parts of their boat and their purpose and did a class reading on the vikings. After that, students worked together in their groups to follow instructions and create their own knarrs out of paper to make a 3D model. We will finish it another day, but they were starting to look great!


Ms. Wilks

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