Monday, February 24th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Unfortunately, Music was cancelled this morning so instead we assigned our jobs for this week and talked about extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation. We discussed how mid-way Grade 4 that students should be working on valuing intrinsic motivation – aka doing things not for external benefit, but participating in an activity to learn or studying hard so that they are able to explore the topic more 🙂 It is important to me that the students take accountability for their work as it helps them develop this life skill for later in life as it is very important! We also brainstormed character traits of a good friend and picked our top 5 traits to submit to Mr. Wall. Then, we talked more about how to make our descriptions more interesting by creating “three scoop” sentences instead of “one scoop” sentences, which was a lesson that Ms. Berto did with the kids to discuss using “juicy words” that are more descriptive in their writing.

After snack and DPA we talked about hundredths and colouring various decimals and fractions on a hundreds chart. We talked about how hundredths are even smaller than tens and how to write in word form, decimal form, and in fraction form. e.g. 0.04 = 4/100 = four-hundredths. We explored this in place value as well. We will work on this a bit more tomorrow. We worked on pages 202-202 #1-11 and it is homework if it is not done.

After lunch, students worked on their myths – they are due on Thursday. Students are going through the process of creating rough drafts, editing their work, having peers edit, and having me edit it, and then typing up a good copy and creating a picture to go along with their myth. I will compile all of them into the book in the end of all of our myths and origin stories 🙂

After recess, students worked on their rugs!

Our spelling test is also on Thursday!


Ms. Wilks

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