Tuesday, February 18th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we worked on our self-reflections for our report cards – it was really nice to read what the students are proud of and to have them set goals and identify areas they want to work on for next term. This year is really flying by! Then, we did a review because the students have a Math quiz on Thursday on fractions! I went over what the students need to know for the quiz today – everything up to this point in the fractions unit of our textbook. I gave them some time to practice and study with partners today and test each other too in order to prepare for the quiz. 

After snack and DPA, the students had Music.

After lunch, we worked on our self-reflections some more and went over the new spelling list of words, which the students copied down in their red journals. Then, we learned all about Jacques Cartier and recorded/drew the information in our Explorer passports. Their completed passports are due on Friday!

At the very end of the day, we started our rug project where the students started to plan out their grid in order to create an image with different colours on their rugs! I am very excited to see what the students will create 🙂


Ms. Wilks


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