Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with continuing to work on our Valentine’s cards for our buddies. Then, we learned about John Cabot the explorer and went through a powerpoint presentation on him. We looked up one of his boats named “The Matthew” and recorded information including important places on our maps in our European Explorer Passports. Then, we worked on continuing to explore fractions with pattern blocks in order to show our learning and the students tried some interesting Math puzzles. 

After snack & DPA, we had library.

After lunch, we had Gym and played a game called “Pizza”, played “Bump”, and played some basketball games with different teams. I went over with the kids afterward about how people were playing too roughly and we went over rules again. After Gym, we worked on creating a summary for the new chapter that we read in “Castle in the Attic” to practice summarizing.

After recess, we had a classroom meeting and I read the book, “My Secret Bully” to the kids. It was a great book and I highly recommend it because they discuss and explore social bullying and how it is not always a physical act, but how exclusion and gossiping can really  hurt people. We discussed types of bullying as well and how being a bully back doesn’t help anything. Then, Ms. B came in and continued her lesson on unexpected behaviour and what is expected in the classroom.

The spelling test is tomorrow!


Ms. Wilks

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