Thursday, February 13th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off our day with our tenth spelling test on explorer and boat words that we learned. Then, we read another myth from an Indigenous legends and myths book. After that, we worked on making common (same) denominators in order to compare fractions. To compare fractions, we need to multiply or divide the denominator and numerator in order get the same denominator because we do the same thing to the bottom as we do to the top. e.g. 1/2 x 2 on top and x 2 on the bottom to make an equivalent fraction = 2/4 can be compared to the fraction 3/4 and be identified as smaller.

After snack and DPA, the students worked on writing their own Indigenous myth/legend. They could either choose to write a story detailing the origin of something or choose to communicate a moral/message with their story. We are taking care to be respectful of Indigenous culture by declaring that these stories we are writing are fiction in order to explore the art form further. The students are also writing their stories with language that respects First Nations culture as well. Students did a good job planning out their stories on the Story Mountain template and starting to write their rough drafts of their myths in partners. I will bind it into a book at the end and am very excited about this. We will also be working on editing and creating a final good copy that is typed.

After lunch, we worked on the typing program – All The Right Type to practice typing.

After recess, we worked on creating detailed plans for our explorer ships that we are going to create based on explorer boats we have studied for our European passports. The students are tasked with creating a diagram with labels of the boat they are going to create, write down materials, name their ship, and write down step-by-step instructions of how they will create their ship. The students had such neat ideas that I couldn’t believe and didn’t even think of! They are truly amazing!

No homework today 🙂


Ms. Wilks

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