Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we welcomed our new student to the classroom 🙂 The kids were very excited to meet him and were very welcoming! We went around the classroom and introduced ourselves and the students each told him something about ourselves. Then, we worked on finding examples of fractions in the pod and the classroom, wrote them down, drew them, and shared them in the class. We also reviewed plotting fractions on number lines and making equivalent fractions.

After DPA/Snack, we had library until lunch. At lunchtime, some of the students helped run the skipping sessions for the primary students for Jump Rope for Heart, which was awesome! We are still collecting money for it as we want to reach our goal!

After lunch, we had Gym, but unfortunately had to cut it short because of students not listening to the rules even after given a whole class warning. We played doctor dodgeball, practiced shooting from the side of the net, and played dribble tag. After this, we discussed one of the literature circle roles which is called the “Discussion Director” who has to ask their group creative open-ended questions about the text they are reading in order to provoke discussion – this will be one of the roles for our literature circles groups coming up. Then, we worked on our Daily 5 work.

After recess, we had a classroom meeting and then Ms. B came in and did a lesson on unexpected vs. expected behaviour.

There is no homework tonight.


Ms. Wilks

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