Thursday, January 30th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we had our ninth spelling test and then Ms. Schmidt came in to do a lesson on listening and what good listening looks like. Then, we worked on creating our own colour by numbers, long division style. The students were tasked with creating a picture and then creating long division questions and a legend so that if they gave their paper to a friend, they would know how to colour based on the answer of the long division question. This is for homework if it is not done.

After lunch, we read and then had early community time because of the assembly tomorrow.

At the end of the day, Ms. Berto game in to do a writing lesson on paragraphs for the theme “All About Me” where the kids had to use an adjective to describe themselves and then write supporting details for why they chose that word.

Tomorrow is the last day I will be accepting and marking the Turtle Island comic in order to reinforce accountability and natural consequences.


Ms. Wilks

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