Monday, January 20th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Happy Monday! We had a lovely day today! The students started off with playing guitars and learning a new song in Music this morning. A reminder for all students to come on time as it disrupts the learning and morning routine if they come in late. They should also go directly to the office if they are late instead of through the outside classroom door. Then, we worked on our money shops. We will have our shop days on Thursday & Friday of this week where students will record all business transactions of buying and selling items in their/others’ shops. Then, the students continued to work on their Turtle Island comics.

After lunch, we went over a new set of spelling words. I will not be posting these words as I want the students to take responsibility for their new words or they can copy off of a friend if they were away for the words. We also did a Visualization lesson today where the students listened to four landscape descriptions and had to draw what they pictured from that description. We shared our pictures and discussed how visualizations are different on a person-by-person basis. We talked about how we use clues in the text to help us building mental pictures and imagine what the scene/characters look like. Then, we went into our Daily 5 literacy station activities.

At the end of the day, we continued our Daily 5 pieces of artwork and worked on our totem poles with animals that represent ourselves. The students are getting closer to finishing their totem poles and they are looking amazing and have a lot of detail and texture!

The only homework today is the money quiz on Wednesday!


Ms. Wilks

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