Thursday, January 16th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Welcome back after our very snowy day yesterday! 

Today, we had our eighth spelling test, which I have finished marking and will post on Fresh Grade tonight. We also had more Winter Break presentations and I will post the rubrics on Fresh Grade today. The students continued to work on their shops, which was really neat to see because they all have such different themes for their stores and have created really original and neat things! I am excited for when our shops will start conducting business! Then, we went sledding outside again – there was so much snow!

The students then before lunch worked more on their Turtle Island comics, which are coming along very nicely. This piece is to illustrate the Indigenous origin story of North America.

After lunch, students did some research on the computers for their energy project by researching the type of energy they are taking action against. They are working on taking actions to save the environment this week and following the plan they have made of what they will do everyday. I gave out a pop quiz on money today – the students will be expected to make change from larger bills with coins (subtracting decimals), solve word problems on adding and subtracting money amounts, and modelling money amounts using the fewest number of bills/coins. Then, we continued to work on our shops as our money project.

After recess, Ms. B came in and did a writing lesson on paragraphs by defining topics sentences, evidence/proof in the middle and a concluding sentence to wrap it all up and re-state the topic sentence in different words. The theme of the activity is making resolutions and writing ways to achieve that resolution this year as part of goal-setting.

They need to finish their resolution page if it is not done, complete their energy action, and they have a money quiz next week on Wednesday.

Have a lovely evening!


Ms. Wilks

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