Monday, January 13th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, the students started off with Music in the morning by playing Hot Cross Buns and the C chord.

Then, we worked on money word problems by using long division. We will be continuing to explore long division as it is a more difficult concept to divide with decimals. I invite students having more difficulty with it to come and work with me at recess to continue to practice dividing numbers into decimals and dividing decimal amounts of money. e.g. $10/4 = $2.50 and how to do the long division for that.

We also had our first round of presentations today for our Winter Break writing – everyone did such a great job! 

After recess, we worked on our totem pole artwork after viewing a video of totem poles in Stanley park. Students are tasked with drawing totem poles based on their personality traits in relation to the animals they represent.

The only homework they have is the spelling test on Thursday and they need to do their energy conservation action tonight as part of their eco-friendly plan against the environmental villain of their choice 🙂


Ms. Wilks

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