Friday, December 20th, 2019

Dear Parents,

I thought I would write this a bit early, since it is the last day before the holidays! 🙂

The only homework for the break is for the students to take 5 pictures of things they do over the break and print them out and have them for school on the first day back!

Today, we had our party! Thank you so much to everyone who brought things for the party! It was so fun and we watched the Grinch! We also did a desk clean-up today.

After lunch, students will go to the Gym to do a Christmas Sing-Along. At the end of the day, we will have community time.

I am also giving the students a present from me – I have hand-knitted them each a personalized stocking stuffed with candy 🙂 I started them in October and it took me until mid-November and I am excited to give them their stockings finally!

Happy Holidays to everybody and a happy new year 🙂 See you in 2020!


Ms. Wilks

4 thoughts on “Friday, December 20th, 2019

  1. It was so kind of you went extra miles to make the Christmas Srocking for the kids. Thank you Ms. Wilks! You are an outstanding teacher!

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