Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, students worked on their tessellation artwork pieces, they look great! We went to the library for our last time before Winter break, and the kids had their afternoon performance. They did so wonderfully and I am looking forward to tonight.

At the end of the day, we discussed Gender Identity and how there are many genders. We watched this book video: and talked about it after. We talked about stereotypes, discrimination, and defined what these terms mean and why it’s important not to discriminate or stereotype. We talked about being a caring person and not judging people based on the colour of their skin, but making friends with people based on if they are kind, caring, and treat you with respect.

Tomorrow we have a spelling test as well which is our last assessment before the term 🙂 Report cards are also going home tonight!

We are doing our baking decorating tomorrow, so more decorations are welcome. Thank you to the people who sent decorations for us, we really appreciate it 🙂


Ms. Wilks

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