Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we continued our “Castle in the Attic” read-aloud in the morning. Then, we did an introduction to basic single-digit multiplication. If students needed more clarification on this topic, they were asked to come to the board to work with me in a small group or one-on-one so I could draw visuals to illustrate the division process. I also linked how multiplication and division facts are related. e.g. 6 x 5 = 30, 5 x 6 = 30, 30/6 = 5, 30/5 = 6. Their colouring sheet is homework if they are not done yet.

Then, we had library and continued to do gymnastics in Gym. I needed to emphasize that hanging off of the basketball nets is not safe and we had to leave Gym early due to this safety risk as a lesson to the students.

After, we worked in our Daily 5 literacy stations and played another turn in the Catan game.

After recess, we had a classroom meeting where we presented the problem again with lining up and students expressed that they felt it wasted a lot of time waiting for everybody to be in a straight line and quiet. Then, to end off the day the students read an information sheet on the Feudal system and highlighted the important points – we are practicing figuring out which points are important in reading passages.

Our class party for two students leaving the school is tomorrow after lunch! I have invited the students to bring food, snacks, and games as they will have free time after lunch. The spelling test is also tomorrow!

We are collecting back forms for skating with $5 (preferably paid online) and the form returned as soon as possible. We are also still looking for a lot of skating drivers as we need parent drivers badly!


Ms. Wilks

2 thoughts on “Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

  1. Thank you Ms Wilks for the update. Rishabh informed that his seat was changed, you may want to speak to him as he is mentioning that is unable to see the blackboard from the new seat.
    Also, unfortunately I dont drive hence unable to help for the skating event.

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