Thursday, October 24th

Dear Parents,

Today, we had our third spelling test – I marked it during my prep period today and handed it back to the students. I will be sending emails to parents of students who scored not as high as I would have liked. I will also post their spelling tests on Fresh Grade afterschool/tonight when I have time.

We also did a lesson on subtracting differences and modelled some equations with hundred’s blocks. When the textbook asks to estimate, we round numbers to the nearest hundred or ten to help us make friendly numbers first. The textbook pages for homework due Monday are: pages 66-67 #1-6. 

The students started planning out their medieval buildings that we are going to make by applying their knowledge of area and measurement to design/plan their building. We continued working on FSA’s today also and had a writing lesson.

The students’ Coat of Arms project is also due on Monday. They needed to create a shield design with animals, colours, and symbols that represent themselves as if they were a knight in Medieval Times.

The students also have a weekend journal: it needs to be 1/2 page – 3/4 page and handed in Monday morning. The prompt is: What does it mean to be a responsible person? At school? During class? At home? At lunch? During clean-up?


No school tomorrow since it’s a PRO-D Day! Have a wonderful weekend everybody 🙂


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