Friday, October 18th, 2019

Happy Friday, everybody! 🙂

Today, we had Gym and worked on our serving over the net as well as volleying.

Then, we had a lesson on Adding 3-Digit Numbers and we talked about different strategies that the students used to add numbers. It was really neat to see the thought processes of various students solving the same question. Also, for rounding to the nearest ten, it helps some students to draw out a number line and visually see which number it would round to. Homework is page 53 #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7.

We also worked on colouring/drawing on our Coat of Arms – each colour, animal, and picture on them means something different and the students have to create one that represents themselves. Then, we had buddies time and community time to end off our day.

The weekend journal prompt is: Write about what you think will happen in our next read-aloud “Castle in the Attic” about Medieval Times. Are you excited for this read-aloud? Should be 1/2 page to 3/4 page long in red journal. It is due Monday or if not done for any reason, students will stay in at lunch to finish it.

Spelling Test is Thursday, October 24th.

Hot Lunch envelopes are also due soon!

Have a great weekend everybody 🙂


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