Friday, October 11th, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! 🙂

It is a long weekend this weekend, so no school on Monday!

Today we worked on estimating sums. The students had dice and had to roll a 3-digit number and round the number to the closest ten. e.g. 328 -> 330. The accompanying lesson is Lesson 4: pages 47-48 #1-6 and this is homework if they did not finish it in class.

We also had a gallery walk of the different provinces/territories shoeboxes – the students did an amazing job on these and I will be posting on Fresh Grade the videos and pictures I took of the shoeboxes!

The students’ Math playground design plans are also due on Tuesday – they need to create a playground and calculate the area of each part of their playground and write a paragraph description.

We also had buddies and community time today.

There is also a weekend journal: students need to write 1/2-3/4 of a page about Thanksgiving and what they are thankful for, what Thanksgiving means to them, and any traditions that they may celebrate with family or friends.

There is also an FSA notice going home today for the provincial exam and the Hot Lunch Form (it is due on October 21st).


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