Update for Tuesday, October 9th, 2019

Today we started a brand new chapter of the Math textbook: Chapter 2! We are starting place value and working with hundreds blocks. We worked on three different forms of writing numbers: standard form (just the number in numerals), expanded form (the number addition sentence), and word form (in letters).

e.g. 541

Standard form = 7541 (no commas are used in the Canadian system of numbers vs. the U.S. system that does use commas, just a space is left e.g. 10 000 not 10,000).

Expanded form = 7000 + 500 + 40 + 1

Written Form = seven thousand five hundred forty-one (no and used)

We also worked to model numbers with hundreds blocks as well by differentiating between thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones blocks.

The homework is all the questions on page 36 of the Math textbook.

Just a reminder that we have a number of events coming up:

-Spelling Test (Words 11-20) is on Thursday.

-Young People’s Concert Trip @ 12PM is also on Thursday.

-Social Studies Project/Territory Diorama & Typed Report is due on Friday. Students will have more time to work on it in class tomorrow on the computers. Students are encouraged to divide up tasks and work on this project at home to supplement work done at school.

We also practiced for our FSAs (the Grade 4 provincial assessment). This is coming up in the next couple of weeks where students complete an online Math and Reading test online and a booklet on these topics on paper as well. Students only work on this at school, NOT AT HOME. It is not for marks as the results will be forwarded to the province and not be reflected on the students’ report cards.

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