IMG_8218You did it Grade 3s!! Your baking was outta this world & with one Bake Sale you raised $171.35! Holy cow!! 3114406315_1_2_9DOpUGWi
In total with our fundraising efforts over the past couple months of $136.80 we have a grand total of, drumroll please…


Looks like our fundraising goal of a Farm Animal Bundle is a reality! YAY!!! Grade 3s, you will be providing 3 goats & 15 chicks, giving a family the chance to sell eggs & milk, pay for school fees & learn the skills to run a sustainable small business. Plus, enough money to provide a dairy goat to another family as well! What an accomplishment & what a way to finish off the school year, I’m so proud of you Division 8!! Thank you parents for all of your support through financial contributions, donations of your cans & bottles & by baking up such delicious treats with your kids! Within just a few months WE at Nelson are CREATING CHANGE across the world! Wow.

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