V ~ Instead of a VACATION from School at Suncrest Water Park, we got to enjoy a VACATION from School Work with a bunch of fun activities with the other primary students!
In the morning we had an hour of gym & had tons of fun when playing
Ultimate Go Go Stop with Ms. Tsumori’s class taught by the fabulous Mr. Witton!
After lunch we relaxed in the primary wing hallway with Ms. Burns’ & Ms. Tsumori’s classes. We read books, drew, hung out with stuffies, played games & enjoyed some snacks!
Our last hour of VACATION from School Work was spent celebrating some our completed Telegamis & then learning from Ms. Tsumori’s class how to make successful paper airplanes along with Miss Edward’s class!
Not a bad 2nd choice!
Click Rain-animated-animation-rain-smiley-emoticon-000400-largeto see our fun!
dominoes video
HERE    paper airplane videos HERE, HERE & HERE

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