Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 4 chubby brown groundhogs.groundhog-284
There were 8 chubby groundhogs in the kitchen baking apple pie. 1 groundhog got messy & went to the bath room to clean up. 3 groundhogs went to Australia. How many are left? ~ Amber
8 chubby brown groundhogs standing by the lake. 2 of them fell into the lake. Then, 1 of them went to the washroom. Then 1 more went to the airport. How many groundhogs are left by the lake? ~ Anna
11 groundhogs sleeping. February 2nd came & the groundhogs came out. 7 groundhogs saw their shadow & ran to Africa. How many groundhogs are left? ~ Yi
5 chubby groundhogs dancing, singing & eating pizza & lots of other stuff. One got sick & went underground. How many left at the party? ~ Nigen
3 groundhogs are playing tag. 1 left & 2 more chubby ones came. How many groundhogs in all? ~ Mahtab
1 chubby brown groundhog is having a pizza party. 3 more came. How many are there? ~ Jasdeep
5 groundhogs are having a party then 1 said, “Where’s the pizza?” Then he left. How many are left? ~ Emily
8 groundhogs. 4 went digging & got lost. Bad for them because they’re alone. How many in all? ~ Dexter
There were 11 chubby groundhogs. Then 7 got stolen by a kid who dug a hole & put the groundhogs in there. The kid went, “MUHAHA!” How many are left? ~ Cecilia
8 chubby groundhogs were playing in their burrow. They came outside on Feb 2nd & half of them saw their shadow & half of them didn’t & stayed out. How many groundhogs still in their burrow? ~ Miss Watt

IMG_5809Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!

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