Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 30 students performing at the Volunteer Tea in the gym. choir
100 students performed. 10 were criminals for copy writing, 60 were 110 years old and too old. How many left? ~ Joaron
There were 20 people at the Volunteer Tea in the gym. 10 people were late. How many in all? ~ Ella S
There are 60 students performing for the Volunteer Tea. 10 students got disqualified, 10 got hurt and 10 were disqualified again. How many students performing for the Volunteer Tea? ~ Marian
There were 50 students performing for the Volunteer Tea. 20 ran and left because plants became alive. How many were left? ~ Ismael
There were 50 students students performing for the Volunteer Tea. 5 put a trap door and made themselves fall. 15 were secret service trying to steal our classified information so they got busted. How many left? ~ Sunny
There were 40 students students performing for the Volunteer Tea. 10 tea cups poured tea on people’s heads. The people went to a show store and asked for a cheeseburger. How many left? ~ Rishi
There were 40 students and 10 were sick and went home to play video games and pretend to be sick. Their parents got mad and sent them back to school again. How many in all? ~ Aqsa

IMG_4563Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!

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