Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 18 students going on a field trip. school-bus-smiley-emoticon
72 students planning to go on a field trip. They split into 4 groups. 3 groups got lost. How many students are going? ~ Yi
24 students went into the bus. Then 6 students got off the bus because they were bad. How many students still riding the bus? ~ Shelley
There were 30 kids. 4 got sick, 4 moved away, 2 said, “I don’t like this school” & moved away. How many left? ~ Oliver
17 students going on a field trip on Wednesday. 1 of the boys was still in the school. He went in the classroom & no one was there so he ran to museum. How many students on the field trip now? ~ Nigen
There were 5 kids in Miss Watt’s class & then 5 kids got in trouble & went to her class. 8 more kids joined Miss Watt’s class. How many there? ~ Amber
There were 3 people from 6 schools going on a field trip. When they got there how many were there altogether? ~ Benjamin
There were 22 students then 2 threw up & 2 fell off the bus. How many are left? ~ Cole
There were 15 students going on a field trip. 3 students came in late. How many in all? ~ Dayron
20 students going on a field trip then the teacher realized 2 students did not have their permission slips so how many students going now? ~ Emily
19 students going on the field trip. 1 person yelled & got sent back home. How many students going on the field trip? ~ Dexter
12 students going on a field trip on Wednesday. Miss Watt multiplied 3 x 6 but it didn’t equal 18 so she went back to Nelson to pick up the rest of the kids who didn’t follow directions. Miss Watt multiplied 6 x 3 & it equaled 18. How many students going on the field trip? ~ Ira
There were 17 students going on a trip. 1 went with his mom & they found him. How many going in all? ~ Jasdeep
20 students went on a field trip but 2 got in trouble so they went home. How many left? ~ Jishith
40 students going on a field trip. 23 went home & 1 joined the class. How many going on the trip? ~ Ken
There were 10 students going on a field trip. Then Miss Watt said, “Where are all the other boys & girls?” & freaked out. But Kristina said, “I see 8 coming out of the bus!” How many in all? ~ Kristina

IMG_8036Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers during our final classroom Think Math this Wednesday!

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