Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
There are 20 students dancing in the gym. 3 students want hip hop music so they left. 4 students want dance classical music so they left too. How many students are left? ~ Julia  😀
There are 8 students in the bathroom. 2 students are dancing but are in a hurry to go to the bathroom. 7 students are dancing. Then 8 return & 2 go to the bathroom. Now how many are dancing? ~ Daniel
There are 17 people who like the song You Can’t Stop the Beat & are dancing. 4 people don’t like it. How many dancing to the song? ~ Nicole
There are 15 students dancing in the gymnasium. 3 had to go to the washroom. How many students left dancing? ~ Casandra
There are 14 kids playing Skittles & one got hurt. How many in all? ~ Cayla

IMG_2774Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!

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