Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
65 kids waiting in line to see Santasanta-smiley-emoticon
There are 6 kids. 59 come at 6:00. Santa comes at 6:20. The 1st person sat on Santa’s lap. How many in all? ~ Sukhman
There are 30 lids waiting for Santa then 35 kids come to also wait for Santa. How many in all? ~ Cayla

There are 64 children & one more came to see Santa. How many in all? ~ Elvis
There are 70 kids waiting to see Santa. 5 kids don’t want to. How many do? ~ Daniel
There were 100 kids but 35 went to Santa. How many left? ~ Shathu
There are 100 kids. 35 of them got in trouble & got kicked out. How many in all? ~ Zack
There were 70 kids waiting in line for their turn to get a picture with Santa. When they were finished, 5 kids left. How many kids left? ~ Amber & Selena
67 kids waiting in line. 2 left. How many are left? ~ Nicole
There were 61 kids kids that have already seen Santa & got a candy cane & 4 more people that have not seen Santa. Then at 8:30 Santa had seen 65 kids & had no candy left. How many kids did Santa see? ~ Casandra
There are 100 kids waiting in line to tell Santa their wish lists. 35 left the line. How many are left? ~ Julia
There are 32 people in the line. 33 more come. How many in all?
Now everyone is happy. ~ Vera
There are 70kids in line to tell Santa their wish. 5 kids figure out that that SANTA is FAKE & the real Santa is at the North Pole. How many did not figure out? ~ Chloe

IMG_1982Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!

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