Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 10 heart Valentine’s Day cards. valentine
100 Valentine’s cards around the world. A weird robot in a space craft stole 90 to take to Unhappy Land. The people of Unhappy Land became happy! The people of Earth became happy too because the unknown land became their friend. How many Valentine’s Day cards are left on Earth? ~ Yi
At school 1 person brought 11 Valentine’s Day cards then 1 one of them got stolen. How many are left? ~ Nigen
There were 20 Valentine’s cards in Yi’s pocket. She split 10 with Cecilia & they handed them out to Miss Watt’s class. How many are left? ~ Kristina
There were 20 Valentine’s cards, but only 10 were needed. So, 10 were mailed to India & they were happy! How many left in Canada? ~ Jishith
11 cards. Then 1 card that was 3 years old had a temper tantrum & went away because he wasn’t the 1st one to be read! ~ Emily
A kid gave a card to 9 out of 10 kids. The kid that didn’t have one felt bad so he gave it to him. How many were given out? ~ Dexter
There were 20 people in a house & 2 more people delivering 20 cards, each had half the cards. 1 delivery man fell in a hole & those cards were never delivered. The other delivery man delivered the cards. How many cards were delivered? ~ Benjamin
15 children made 20 Valentine cards. 5 trolls gobbled 10 up in 2 seconds. “Yum!” the trolls squealed. Then they ran away. How many hearts are left? ~ Shelley
23 students were making Valentine’s Day cards. 10 students handed theirs in, 2 lost theirs & 1 put it in their backpack. How many cards are still being finished? ~ Miss Watt

IMG_5840Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!

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