terry-fox-run-35-yearsNelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run last Friday. smiley_runningAfter one week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry & collecting pledges, we raised over $1900 for the Terry Fox Foundation!! Way to go Nelson!! Our fundraising over the last few years has been:
2011 ~ $506
2012 ~ $642
2013 ~ $1430
2014 ~ $1097

We reached this year’s goal of $1200! I’m so proud of all of your hard work!
This means a Nelson teacher will be cutting off their hair to donate to make wigs for children fighting cancer. Stay tuned to see who it is!!
Click on the 35 above to see our runners in action!
Grade 3s, what was your favourite part of Friday? The assembly, the run, your readers theatre…? 

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