Shania is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Shania!

Literacy Week

Nelson celebrated reading last week with several different events.
Teachers and classes decorated their doors with literacy themes, students and staff were invited to dress as their favourite book character and we ended the week with a Family Read on Friday morning.

Thank you to everyone who participated and to all friends and family that joined us to share in the love of reading! 
Thanks to Mrs. Roberts for organizing all the extra fun this week!
Click on the reader to see some pictures.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Division 7 & 8 have been learning about healthy eating this term and students are bringing home their Vegetables and Fruit SMART Goals sheet today. Click on the image below if you’d like to read more about Canada’s New Food Guide which emphasizes eating plants, drinking water and cooking at home.Your child has set a goal for this coming week. Everyone’s goal is a little different, but they all include eating more fruits and vegetables. 
Ms. Tsumori and I would appreciate it if families can help their child reach their goal, or you are welcome to adjust it so that it is S.M.A.R.T. for your family.

S ~ Specific  M ~ Measurable  A ~ Attainable  R ~ Realistic  T ~ Timely

We’ll be discussing everyone’s progress when we meet again next week.  Please return the sheet on Wednesday. Thanks so much for your continued support!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
There were 22 students dancing. 9 had to go to the bathroom. How many left over? ~ Angelina
There were 14 students dancing. 1 got shy so she ran away. How many left over? ~ Angelina
There were 103 students dancing in the gym. 90 got slapped. How many left over? ~ Prabh
There were 2 groups of 7 students dancing in the gym. 1 student had to go back to class. How many left? ~ Luke
There were 20 students dancing in the gym. 7 got tired and got a drink of water. How many left? ~ Luke
There were 25 students dancing around the gym. 12 students got dizzy. How many left dancing? ~ Kaley
15 students dancing in the gym. 2 students went to the washroom. How many leftover? ~ Crystal
9 students dancing in the gym. 4 come and join them. How many in all? ~ Marcus
There were 10 students dancing in the gym. Then 3 more students joined them. How many in all? ~ Alex
There were 22 students dancing in the gym. 9 of them got sick. How many left over? ~ Alexandra
There were 3 students dancing in the gym and 10 more students joined them. How many in all? ~ Alexandra
15 students dancing in the gym. 2 quit. How many left over? ~ Shimer
There were 14 students dancing in the gym. 1 students head was hurting. How many left over? ~ Shimer
22 students entered the gym to dance. 4 had to go to ELL. 3 got called to the office. 2 tripped and fell and had to sit out. How many students left dancing? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Akash is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Akash!

Literacy Week!


Dress up as your favourite book
character to have fun and gain
points for your house team!

Click on the picture for some ideas!



All family members are welcome 
to join their kids in their classrooms
to enjoy a book together!
Brothers and sisters will be 
reading together in the younger siblings 

Flat Rishi’s Sikkim Adventures!

Flat Rishi’s adventures in Sikkim, India! Here are some pictures of Flat Rishi hanging out in Bagdora Airport, relaxing with the house dog Snow, in the Prayer Room, resting in the money plant and in the Himalayas with the Buddhist Prayer Stupa! What an incredible adventure!!
Click on the pictures for a better view

Flat Stanley Adventures Begin!

Flat-Stanley-AdventuresWe have been learning about continents and other map skills in class. Among them, we are learning how to locate our province, our country and other countries on maps & globes. The character Flat Stanley has inspired our current project. Click on the picture above to learn more!
Division 7 & 8 students have created their very own Flat Stanleys that are ready for adventure!  There are a couple different ways they can travel…

Mail Flat Stanley Around the World
Your Flat Stanley can be sent to a friend or relative that lives in another province, or one that lives in another country! Students are bringing home a letter that is sent along to explain the activity to friends or family members & one for them to return to our class. The recipient will be asked to return the traveller after a week or so with pictures of the Flat Stanley somewhere in their area and a postcard or artifact/souvenir if they are able. They may also email me the photos @

Take Flat Stanley on Your Family Vacation
Take pictures of your family with your Flat Stanley at landmarks and recognizable locations during your travels and if you are able to purchase a postcard &/or small souvenir it is definitely welcome! When you return email the photos to Ms. Watt @

When the Flat Stanleys return to school, we will plot their whereabouts on our map and share the information received with each other.
Our Flat Stanley project will continue throughout the year and we are all very excited about what we’ll learn about our world. Our own travels; letters, pictures and artifacts from our friends & family; and lastly through the research we do in the classroom, we will learn about the different places our Flat Selves travel to.

To see examples of other Flat Stanleys please click HERE to see a video made by the Canadian creator of the Flat Stanley Project!




Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. snowman-2
There were 20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 got swept away. How many left? ~ Luke
There were 20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 got scared and ran away. How many left? ~ Angelina
55 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 40 got tired. How many left playing? ~ Prabh
3 groups of 5 snowmen were playing in a snowstorm. How many in all? ~ Prabh
85 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 70 got banned. How many left? ~ Prabh
There were 40 snowmen. 25 got tired. How many left? ~ Luke
There were 18 snowmen playing. 3 snowmen got dizzy in the snowstorm. How many left? ~ Kaley
There were 50 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 35 got lost. How many left? ~ Avi
20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 got hit by the giant snowball. How many left? ~ Avi
There were 3 groups of 5 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. How many in all? ~ Akash
There were 30 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. They were divided into 2 cities. How many in each city? ~ Akash
There are 10 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 more came to play. How many are playing? ~ Mairah
There are 25 snowmen playing. 10 got lost in the snowstorm. How many left? ~ Mairah
30 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 1/2 of them went back home. How many left over? ~ Crystal
There were 20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 got lost. How many left over? ~ Kayden
30 snowmen playing in a snowstorm, but 15 melted. How many left? ~ Kaitlyn
There were 20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 fell down. How many left standing? ~ Shimer
14 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. Later 1 came. How many in all? ~ Shimer

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Alexandra is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Alexandra!