Speed Demons 2019

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 participated in our annual Speed Demons competition this Thursday afternoon. Division 8 had lots of fun racing against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job! Click on the runner below to see everyone fly!sports_run


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 30 flowers blooming in the garden. amazing-butterfly-smiley-emoticon-animation
There were 38 flowers blooming. 8 of them got eaten alive by Bigfoot. How many left over? ~ Maya
There were 70 flowers blooming in the garden. 40 got chopped. How many left over? ~ Prabh
There were 32 kids in the garden. 2 were not gardening. How many left over? ~ Omar
20 flowers bloomed at 6:51. 5 more bloomed at 9:04. 5 more bloomed at 9:19. How many all together? ~ Crystal
There were 40  flowers blooming in the garden. Someone picked 10 flowers. How many flowers blooming in the garden? ~ Shimer
There were 80  flowers blooming in the garden. 50 didn’t have bees visit them. How many did? ~ Mohamad

IMG_6981Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Prabh is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Prabh!

Mom Love

After brainstorming all the reasons we love our moms and all the special things they do for us, we created these mini masterpieces to gift to our fabulous moms. I hope all moms had a wonderful day with their families!

Sylvia is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Sylvia!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 11 hockey players on the ice. hockey%20player
There were 31 hockey players on the ice. 20 got annoyed and left. How many left over? ~ Prabh
There were 19 hockey players on the ice. 5 got injured :(. 3 went to get their helmet they forgot. How many left over? ~ Crystal
There were 25 hockey players on the ice. 11 were injured. 3 broke their knee. How many left over? ~ Prabh

IMG_6884Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Grade 7 Fundraiser

Every Tuesday until June 11th the Grade 7s will be selling
bags of chips for $1.00 at recess and lunch.
Every bag sold will help to raise money for their Leaving Ceremony.

This Week’s Number Sheet

Division 8 has started a new weekly Math activity. Students can complete the below form and every Friday one will be randomly selected for a prize! 
This week’s number is: 253

Click on the link below to print off a copy of the sheet!
Todays Number Student Sheet

Avi is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Avi!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 15 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. SmileyRecycle
There were 45 classes cleaning up for Earth Day. 30 were in Colorado. How many still at school? ~ Prabh
There were 30 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 15 classes were on a field trip. How many left over? ~ Prabh
There were 20 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 15 didn’t want to do it. How many doing it? ~ Sylvia
There were 18 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 2 classes had a substitute teacher so they didn’t do it because the teacher didn’t know. 1 classroom had to cancel. How many classes cleaning up? ~ Crystal
There were 20 classes cleaning up for Earth Day. 2 classes forgot it was Earth Day. 3 classes were lazy so they didn’t clean up for Earth Day. How many classes cleaning up? ~ Shimer

IMG_6751Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!