Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Nelsonites!!I hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend! Enjoy this extra time with your family, be thankful for all you have and I look forward to sharing our weekends with each other this week.
Love, Ms. Watt

Cross Country Intramurals 2021

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 participated in our annual Cross Country competition on Thursday, October 7th. Students ran around the whole block, ending with a sprint towards the finish line at our playground. Division 9 Grade 3s had lots of fun racing for the 1st time against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job!

Meet the Seniors!

Today is one of my favourite days of the school year when we get to visit the grade 7s in the gym and learn about all of their great accomplishments, hobbies, interests and favourite things. It’s so exciting for me to see my past students so confidently display themselves for the visiting classes.
Way to go grade 7s! So proud of who you’ve become. Division 9 students, what was your favourite thing you saw today on display? Was there a grade 7 that had very similiar hobbies /interests as you!? What did you have in common?


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 12 plants planted in Nelson’s garden.
There was a class of 24 kids. Each of them planted a plant, but half of them died. How many survived? ~ Malachi
There were 18 plants in Nelson’s garden and 6 of them were cut off. How many left? ~ Eve
There were 18 plants in Nelson’s garden and 6 of them were cut off. How many left over? ~ Isis
3 groups of 4 kids planted plants in Nelson’s garden. How many were planted in all? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_0945Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!

Spelling Begins This Week!

Our first Spelling words of the year are our classmates names! It’s always great knowing how to spell our friends names, practice for Valentines etc., and Ms. Watt will be using them in our dictation sentences throughout the year. This paper comes home today and students will be tested on the names next Monday. Please click on the SPELLING tab above to find dozens of fun ways to practice your spelling words this week and all year long!

National Truth and Reconciliation Day

One of our fabulous Kindergarten teachers, Ms. Boyes, has compiled some wonderful resources for families on how you can show your support on our first National Truth and Reconciliation Day.
1 ~ Go have an orange donut at Tim Hortons
2 ~ Drum for the children- in your living room, or with a collective
3 ~ Walk for Reconciliation
Semiahmoo: https://m.facebook.com/SemiahmooFN/photos/a.1348911262120479/1547975285547408/?type=3&source=48
Britannia: https://www.britanniacentre.org/community/events_calendar/events/1564.php
For Children (to be watch with adults, followed by discussion)
~ Remembering the 215: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e20620_burnabyschools_ca/Efav5hfu9UJHtkd-YxHJqGEBqa0Spc7QRL-DDSbqwNU-5w?e=iWtMfR
~ Phyllis Webstad’s Orange Shirt presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3vUqr01kAk
~ Phyllis Webstad’s book: Phyllis’s Orange Shirt – YouTube
When We Were Alone: https://youtu.be/JeaS6vlPUSk
For Adults and older children:
~ “Can they hear us Now?” Documentary trailer: https://youtu.be/z8SjBWwvRhs (film released Sept 30 on YouTube)
~ Read the TRC report. Here’s a kid-friendly version: https://fncaringsociety.com/publications/spirit-bears-guide-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-canada-calls-action
~ Listen to Survivor Stories https://legacyofhope.ca/portfolio-items/escaping-residential-schools/

Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day is an event that started in 2013.
It was designed to educate people and promote awareness about the Indian residential school system and the impact this system had on Indigenous communities for more than a century in Canada.
The date was chosen because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes to residential schools.
Today, Division 9 students participated in Orange Shirt Day in a couple different ways. First, we tried to put ourselves in the shoes of Phyllis Webstad and created art based on what t-shirt we would want to wear on the 1st day of school and discussed how it would feel if it was taken away.
Later in the afternoon, we we had a school wide gathering outside. All Staff and students started with saying “Huy ch q’u” (“Hi-ch-ka,” giving of thanks, with our hands held in front at heart leave with palms open and facing upwards). Next we had a moment of silence and then listened to the honour song.

Nelson students, what was your favourite part of the day and how will you ensure that other students at school always feel like they matter, they are cared for and they are important?


IMG_1523Every Monday Ms. Watt will post a new “answer” on our class Think Math chart.
Your challenge is to correctly write a word problem that matches the answer on a sticky note and place it on your class number.
There are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!
Good luck Grade 2/3s! I can’t wait to share your creative word problems every week!!


Nelson students participated in our 32nd annual Terry Fox Run on Fri. Sept. 24th. We have a goal of $2,000 and after a week of fundraising during a pandemic, we raised an incredible amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation! Way to go Nelson!!
We continue to be one of the highest fundraising schools in Burnaby with fundraising totals over the last few years being:

2017 ~ $2, 802          2018 ~ $2, 030
2019 ~ $3, 000
Nelson students will find out what their fundraising total is in the new year!

CLICK on Terry to see runners in action!

Try Like Terry

Nelson’s Terry Fox run will take place on Friday at 1:45pm.  Nelson will be meeting on Zoom to remember Terry and think about what’s possible, if we just Try like Terry. Then classes will be warming up and then running together on our usual routes around the school! All this week Nelson students and teachers are being encouraged to donate at least one toonie through School Cash Online and have the fundraising goal of $2,000…but I think we can beat it by at least 50%. Let’s! Go! Nelson!