Summer Where Am I? ~ 2

Congrats to RUBY! for correctly guessing the our 1st Where Am I? of the summer! Check out the Where Am I? page to see the winning answer!
The inspiration for our 2nd clue comes from a special couple days I spent with some of my favourite people that I used to work with at Nelson School. 

Good luck with this week’s question!

Where Am I? is baaaaaaaaaack!

Happy July Nelsonites!
Where Am I? is back for the summer!

The inspiration for our 1st clue comes from one of the most recognizable transit vehicles in BC that not only took my family to our Canada Day celebration on July 1st, but also took us to MONOVA on our class field trip! Our 1st question of the summer is waiting to be answered in Where Am I?! Click on the WHERE AM I? tab above to submit your guess!

Good luck with this week’s question! Prizes can be collected during the 1st week back at school!

epic! July Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!

July Kindness Calendar

July Kindness Calendar

Bookbeast Success!

I am so proud of the students who completed their 200 nights of Bookbeast reading! I love your love of reading and the dedication and responsibility of recording on and bringing in your sheets. Yay! You all received Treasure Chest prizes for each 50, 100, 150 and 200 nights and then a special magnetic bookmark for completing them all. There are now books in the Nelson Library and Ms. Watt’s library dedicated to your awesome work! Way to go!!
~ if you were absent the last week of school, your final prize and dedication will happen during the 1st week back in September ~

I hope everyone has signed up for Burnaby Public Library’s Summer Reading program Journey Through Time!

Z is for ZOOM out of school & ZIP into summer!

~ One last hour together as 2022/23’s Division 8 Grade 3s – marked our last day together this school year before ZOOMING out of Nelson & ZIPPING into summer! We played summer themed drama games with Ms. Tsumori’s class, watched a PHOTO STORY of our year together and Ms. Watt shared one of her very favourite Dr. Seuss books, Oh, the Places You’ll Go.
Love you lots Division 8 and thank you for all your hard work this past school year. Have a TON of fun this summer and I can’t wait to see you all on the 1st day back in September!
t4511Ms. Watt

Y is for YIPPEEE!!! …

~ YIPPEE, it’s the Last Full Day of School!
We completed our last piece of work, drawing our favourite activity this year and favourite place in our classroom. After recess, we created some awesome neon coloured slime with Ms. Tsumori’s class!
In the afternoon, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Feng and Mr. Hui led a wonderful Graduation Ceremony. I was so proud to present the citizenship awards and I hope to be presenting one to you in 4 years! What a great way to mark our last day full together for the 2022-23 school year.
Clickclicking-your-heels-smiley-emoticonto see our fun!

Looking forward to ooming and ipping tomorrow!

X is for (e)XIT from School!

 ~ We eXITed school and headed to Suncrest Water Park today with all the primaries for an end of year celebration.

Click HERE to see our fun!

Looking forward to celebrating with some ipee! fun tomorrow!

W is for WEEE…!!!

We joined forces with Division 7 today and created paper airplanes before WEEE… flying them from the portables down to the basketball court.
Click to see our fun!

Looking forward to celebrating with an eit from school tomorrow!


~ We participated in a Zoom meeting this morning in which we were learning, honouring and celebrating some First Nations, Metis and Inuit Cultures within Canada for National Indigenous History Month. It is always fascinating to continue learning about and VALUING the DIVERSITY that exists within Canada.

Looking forward to celebrating with eee…!!! on Monday!