Nelson’s Centennial Garden

Welcome Back Nighthawks!! Last year an artist was invited to come & work with all the students at Nelson to create beautiful nature themed art to decorate the fence along our new Centennial Garden. The PAC spent hours of their own time & time with students planting the garden, maintaining it & then decorating the fence with the pottery leaves & creatures from nature at the end of last school year. Thank you so much PAC for all your hard work! It’s so nice to have such a beautiful area at Nelson & Division 8 is particularly lucky to have our classroom look down upon it!! It’s admired everyday & is a great first impression of Nelson School as people drive, walk or bike along Irmin Street.



There is  also a beautiful mural created by the artist & a select group of students inside the school. It’s to celebrate 100 years of Nelson & illustrates what it is to be the best Nelson Nighthawk you can be! It is showcased as you enter Nelson from the staff parking lot, outside Miss Tsakalos’ kindergarten classroom, Rm. 101. Come & admire the students talent & hard work!


Click on the image above to see close ups of the pottery!

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