Halloween at Nelson

I hope everyone is looking forward to celebrating the spooky season at Nelson tomorrow! We will be starting with a costume parade at 9:00 and then the intermediate assembly followed by the primary assembly. Division 8 will be performing the Monster Mash at both assemblies and I will be recording it for families to watch afterwards. I’m so proud of the work all the work your kids have done learning the dance. After the assemblies, we’ll be doing some work before our Halloween party in the afternoon.
If your child would like to wear their costume at school, please have your child arrive at school wearing it so they are ready to go at the bell for the festivities. They are more than welcome to come with a change of clothes so they can change out of their costume after the assemblies and keep it clean for Trick or Treating or other activities Monday evening. I will keep them safe and dry in the classroom.
If you would like to bring something to share with the class during our afternoon party, please ensure it’s individually bagged or packaged.
The PAC will also be selling Halloween treats on Monday to raise money for Grade 7 activities. Please bring your loonies and toonies for some spooky treats!
Any questions, please contact me at stephanie.watt@burnabyschools.ca
As always, thanks so much for your support!

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