Category Archives: THINK MATH


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 4 chubby brown groundhogs.groundhog-284
There were 8 chubby groundhogs in the kitchen baking apple pie. 1 groundhog got messy & went to the bath room to clean up. 3 groundhogs went to Australia. How many are left? ~ Amber
8 chubby brown groundhogs standing by the lake. 2 of them fell into the lake. Then, 1 of them went to the washroom. Then 1 more went to the airport. How many groundhogs are left by the lake? ~ Anna
11 groundhogs sleeping. February 2nd came & the groundhogs came out. 7 groundhogs saw their shadow & ran to Africa. How many groundhogs are left? ~ Yi
5 chubby groundhogs dancing, singing & eating pizza & lots of other stuff. One got sick & went underground. How many left at the party? ~ Nigen
3 groundhogs are playing tag. 1 left & 2 more chubby ones came. How many groundhogs in all? ~ Mahtab
1 chubby brown groundhog is having a pizza party. 3 more came. How many are there? ~ Jasdeep
5 groundhogs are having a party then 1 said, “Where’s the pizza?” Then he left. How many are left? ~ Emily
8 groundhogs. 4 went digging & got lost. Bad for them because they’re alone. How many in all? ~ Dexter
There were 11 chubby groundhogs. Then 7 got stolen by a kid who dug a hole & put the groundhogs in there. The kid went, “MUHAHA!” How many are left? ~ Cecilia
8 chubby groundhogs were playing in their burrow. They came outside on Feb 2nd & half of them saw their shadow & half of them didn’t & stayed out. How many groundhogs still in their burrow? ~ Miss Watt

IMG_5809Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium.smiley_dance11
5 students dancing in the gymnasium. 8 more students barged in & started jumping around. The dance teacher taught them how to dance. How many students dancing in the gymnasium? ~ Yi
15 students were getting certificates for their grade. 2 others kids got a grade of zero & failed because they never participated. They stormed out of the gymnasium. How many are left dancing? ~ Shelley
12 students were in the gym & 1 person was late because his brother forgot his backpack. How many in the gym now? ~ Nigen
20 students dancing in the gym. Then 7 got disqualified. How many are left? ~ Michael
16 kids were dancing to Happy. 3 kids were sick at home, “Achoo!” they said. How many kids were dancing? ~ Kristina
16 students dancing in the gym. 2 were sent home. 1 just didn’t want to dance. How many are left dancing? ~ Ken
There were 16 people dancing in the gymnasium & 3 people got tired so they took a break. How many dancing in all? ~ Jishith
There are 16 kids dancing in the gym then they turned on disco lights. 3 didn’t want to dance anymore. How many left? ~ Emily
15 people dancing. 2 quit because they didn’t like their dance teacher. How many left? ~ Dexter
5 kids dancing in the gym. Some police thought the gym was a jail & arrested 8 kids & put them in the gym. Then the 8 kids started dancing. How many in all? ~ Cole
There were 14 students dancing then one had to get their shoes ready for the Happy dance. How many are left? ~ Cecilia
15 children dancing in the gym. 2 slipped & hit their head & then went home. How many are left? ~ Benjamin
20 students were dancing in a gymnasium. 2 girls quit. Then 1 girl fell & got hurt. 4 girls went wandering around & got lost. How many are left in the gym? ~ Anna
20 students were dancing then 7 got sick & went home. How many are left? ~ Anki
26 students were in a gym dancing. 3 students got injured then 10 students lost their money for the popcorn sale & left to find it. How many left in the gym? ~ Amber
14 students dancing in a gymnasium. 1 went to sleep. How many left dancing? ~ Amadeo

IMG_5659Here’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s!
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week. It was a tough one with the addition of that one word ‘more’:
The answer is 15 more cupcakes. 7007569
20 cupcakes were having a dance party. At the same time 35 cupcakes were having a pizza party. How many more are at the pizza party?? ~ Yi
Skunk & Stink the cupcake costumed brothers went to a party. They decided to eat cupcakes. The brothers each had 100 cupcakes. Stink the cupcake gobbler then ate 15 cupcakes. How many more did Stink have than his brother? ~ Shelley
20 cupcakes were sitting on a plate. A naughty kid ate 5 of them & got a stomach ache. How many are left? ~ Anna
DeDoblue had 15 cupcakes on his tray. Miss Watt had 30 cupcakes on her tray. They entered a contest. How many more does Miss Watt have? ~ Amber
35 cupcakes were trapped in a box. “Help me!” they cried. Then 20 cupckaes jumped out & said, “Yay! I’m free!” How many are left? ~ Kristina
Once upon a time Santa Claus ate 30 cupcakes. An elf found 15 under the sofa & ate them. How many more cupcakes did Santa eat? ~ Ira
There’s a clock made out of cupcakes & it said 11:10 so a person made 10 cupcakes. Then the next time she saw the clock it said 12:25 so she made 25 more cupcakes. How many more did she make the 2nd time? ~ Emily
There were 35 cupcakes & a guy sent 30 to Canada & kids ate them. A baker made 10 more. How many more cupcakes are here instead of Canada? ~ Dexter

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s! 

Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 3 black marbles & 4 red marbles. canstock4436515
10 red marbles in marble school. 3 were sick so they stayed home. One marble named Jon said that he didn’t like red. His friends agreed so Jon & his 3 friends rolled in black ink & turned black. How many red & black marbles? ~ Yi
3 black & 5 red marbles went to the bathroom. 1 red marble got flushed down the toilet. How many are left? ~ Trinity
4 black & 5 red marbles were in a jar at the museum. 2 kids grabbed 1 black & 1 red when there was a sign saying ‘DON’T take the marbles!!’ How many marbles are left? ~ Kristina
13 black marbles & 14 red marbles on a mountain. Then 10 black marbles & 10 red marbles rolled down the mountain. How many are left? ~ Emily
3 black marbles & 14 red marbles. 10 rolled away because 10 kids did not like them. How many are left? ~ Dexter
There were 6 black marbles & 6 red marbles then 3 black marbles were stolen from the kid & he stole 2 red marbles. How many in all? ~ Cecilia
Miss Watt, Mr. Olsen & Mrs. Mann were all playing marbles on a stormy night. Miss Watt had 10 red marbles, Mr. Olsen had 10 black marbles & Mrs. Mann had 3 yellow marbles that she flushed down the toilet. Mr. Olsen & Miss Watt gave her 7 black & 6 red marbles. How many do Mr. Olsen & Miss Watt have left? ~ Amber

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s! 
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer:
The answer is 20 Xmas gifts scattered underneath the Xmas tree.8_2_117
50 gifts under the tree. A naughty child stole 30. How many are left? ~ Yi

30 presents were under the tree then 10 penguins came & got 10 presents. ~ Nigen
15 Christmas trees out in the sun. Then someone planted 5 more, decorated them, & then put gifts under them. How many in all? ~ Michael
22 gifts were under the Christmas tree. 1 kid opened 2 early. How many are left?
30 gifts were under the tree. 10 were stolen. How many are left? ~ Amber
60 gifts under the Christmas tree. 3 ducks saw the gifts & wanted them. The 1st duck opened 10, the 2nd opened 10, the 3rd opened 20. Later, the ducks realized there was no use in opening them because there were only toys inside them, not duck food. How many gifts were left unopened? ~ Ira

IMG_5328Here’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s! 
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who took a chance & created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 7 elves left in Santa’s workshop. santas-elf-smiley-emoticon
11 elves in Santa’s workshop. 1 elf quits, 1 goes to eat pizza, 1 goes to do his business and 1 smacks Santa in the belly & gets fired. How many are left? ~ Amber
8 elves are making toys. 1 is sucked into the big toymaker & then there were 7! ~ Nigen
20 elves in Santa’s workshop. 13 go on the sled with Santa. “Boo Hoo!” the elves who were left said. “We want to ride too.” How many elves are left? ~ Yi
42 elves were in a workshop. They were divided into 6 groups. 5 groups of elves went to play. How many elves left? ~ Shelley
There were 18 elves cleaning the reindeer poop. Then 9 of them thought the reindeer poop was stinky so they ran away. How many were left? ~ Jishith
There were 14 elves playing. Then 7 jumped out a window. How many were left? ~ Cole
10 elves were in Santa’s workshop then 3 went to the bathroom. How many are left? ~ Cecilia
20 elves were working in Santa’s workshop. Then Santa came in. The freezing air came in & froze 13 elves. How many are left? ~ Benjamin
It was late at work, 14 elves were still working. 7 elves finished their work & left Santa’s workshop. How many elves are left in Santa’s workshop? ~ Anna
18 elves are having a Christmas party in Santa’s workshop. Then 11 elves went to bed. How many are left? ~ Michael
20 elves were making toys. 13 elves got fired. Then 1 went to the bathroom & fell in the toilet. Then 1 came in. How many elves are working? ~ Kristina
25 elves are in Santa’s workshop. 16 elves have to pick up the letters given to Santa. Then Santa tells Jingle the elf to organize the naughty list & tells Elfi to organize the good list. Then Jingle & Elfi go back to organize the letters. How many elves are left? ~ Ira

For those who’d like an early start, here’s the answer for our 1st week back in January!  Good Luck Grade 3s! 
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!
I can’t wait to share the answers on Friday, January 9th!

The answer is 20 Christmas gifts scattered underneath the Christmas tree.


Thank you to all the students who took a chance & created questions to our Think Math answer a couple weeks ago:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. snowman-2
20 snowmen playing in a snow storm. 5 snowmen got covered in ice & snow. “WhaaMaa” they said. How many snowmen are left? ~ Yi
20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm, then 5 left. How many snowmen are left? ~ Amber
In Nunavut 5 snowmen were playing in the snow. In Canada 5 more snowmen wree there. In the U.S.A. 5 more were there. How many snowmen in all? ~ Benjamin

16 snowmen were having a snowball fight in a snowstorm. Then one did a belly flop & got lost in the snow. How many were left? ~ Cole
7 snowmen playing. 5 joined & then 3 more came. How many in all? ~ Dayron
16 snowmen having a snowball fight in a snowstorm. 1 snowman is melting by itself in the sun. How many are left? ~ Ira
There were 10 snowmen playing in the snowstorm then the snowstorm made another 5 snowmen. How many in all? ~ Jishith
10 snowmen were playing in the snow. 5 kids made 5 more. How many are playing in the snow? ~ Kristina
20 snowmen playing the snow. 5 snowmen broke into pieces. How many snowmen are left? ~ Ken
10 snowmen playing in the snow. Then 5 more joined. How many in all? ~ Michael
85 people were making 20 snowmen. The snowmen came to life, then played in the snow. 5 went away. How many snowmen are left? ~ Shelley

IMG_4934Here’s last week’s answer!
Well done Grade 3s!



Thank you to all the students who took a chance & created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 36 snowflakes.sno_ani10
36 snowflakes are dancing at a ball then 12 left. Then the ball was starting to sell pizza and all the snowflakes heard so they came back. How many are there in all?
10 snowflakes dancing in the air. 26 more joined. How many in all?
40 snowflakes were falling from the sky then 4 blew away. How many are there in all?
It was snowing and 100 snowflakes were falling down. Then 74 melted. How many are left?
40 snowflakes were eating cookies by the fire and 4 melted. How many snowflakes in all?
60 snowflakes were stuck to the window. A cold cat came and licked 24 off. “Yow!!!” it said and ran away. How many snowflakes are left?
15 snowflakes came down. Then 21 more came down. How many in all?
30 snowflakes were falling from the sky. 6 more fell. How many in all?
30 snowflakes came then 6 more came. How many in all?
26 snowflakes fell. 10 more fell. How many in all?
11 snowflakes joyfully hopping on the couch. 25 joined. How many in all?

IMG_4600 Here’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s! 
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who took a chance & created questions to our 1st Think Math answer last week:
The answer is the sum of 12 African Elephants. tierische_smilies044

11 African Elephants were drinking water. An African Elephant with a bird on it came for a drink. How many African Elephants are there in all? ~ Yi
9 elephants are drinking water. 3 joined them. How many in all? ~ Shelley
10 African Elephants were drinking water. Then 2 more came. How many in all? ~ Michael
9 African Elephants were drinking at the waterhole then 3 more elephants came. ~ Jishith
11 African Elephants were decorating a Christmas Tree. 1 more joined. How many in all? ~ Ira
2 elephants are drinking at the water hole. Then 10 decide to join. ~ Emily
10 African Elephants are walking down the street, then 2 more joined in. How many elephants are there now? ~ Anna
3 African Elephants are drinking water. 9 come & join. How many in all? ~ Amber
2 elephants are inside the classroom. The teacher opens the door & 10 elephants run in. How many in all? ~ Benjamin

snowflakesHere’s this week’s answer!
Good Luck Grade 3s! 
Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!
I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


IMG_4184Every Monday Miss Watt will post a new “answer” on our class Think Math chart.
Your challenge is to correctly write a number story / question that matches the answer on a sticky note & place it on your class number.
There are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!
Good luck Grade 3s! I can’t wait to share every Friday!!
