Category Archives: THINK MATH


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 80 students receiving academic awards. desismileys_4508
70 students getting an award & then 10 cam in late. How many students getting awards? ~ Emily
60 students receiving academic awards. 20 more students got one too. How many academic awards in all?

Thanks to all the students who participated in Think Math this year!
Next week I’ll start posting our summer time answers & I look forward to all of your creative questions!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 18 students going on a field trip. school-bus-smiley-emoticon
72 students planning to go on a field trip. They split into 4 groups. 3 groups got lost. How many students are going? ~ Yi
24 students went into the bus. Then 6 students got off the bus because they were bad. How many students still riding the bus? ~ Shelley
There were 30 kids. 4 got sick, 4 moved away, 2 said, “I don’t like this school” & moved away. How many left? ~ Oliver
17 students going on a field trip on Wednesday. 1 of the boys was still in the school. He went in the classroom & no one was there so he ran to museum. How many students on the field trip now? ~ Nigen
There were 5 kids in Miss Watt’s class & then 5 kids got in trouble & went to her class. 8 more kids joined Miss Watt’s class. How many there? ~ Amber
There were 3 people from 6 schools going on a field trip. When they got there how many were there altogether? ~ Benjamin
There were 22 students then 2 threw up & 2 fell off the bus. How many are left? ~ Cole
There were 15 students going on a field trip. 3 students came in late. How many in all? ~ Dayron
20 students going on a field trip then the teacher realized 2 students did not have their permission slips so how many students going now? ~ Emily
19 students going on the field trip. 1 person yelled & got sent back home. How many students going on the field trip? ~ Dexter
12 students going on a field trip on Wednesday. Miss Watt multiplied 3 x 6 but it didn’t equal 18 so she went back to Nelson to pick up the rest of the kids who didn’t follow directions. Miss Watt multiplied 6 x 3 & it equaled 18. How many students going on the field trip? ~ Ira
There were 17 students going on a trip. 1 went with his mom & they found him. How many going in all? ~ Jasdeep
20 students went on a field trip but 2 got in trouble so they went home. How many left? ~ Jishith
40 students going on a field trip. 23 went home & 1 joined the class. How many going on the trip? ~ Ken
There were 10 students going on a field trip. Then Miss Watt said, “Where are all the other boys & girls?” & freaked out. But Kristina said, “I see 8 coming out of the bus!” How many in all? ~ Kristina

IMG_8036Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers during our final classroom Think Math this Wednesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is the sum of 8 Sports Day stations. relay-race-smiley-emoticon
There were 6 stations & then Miss Watt & Mr. Phillips made 1 each but 1 of the stations didn’t have the right pieces then Miss Watt helped Mr. Phillips with his cookie game. How many in all? ~ Kristina
There were 6 Sports Day stations. Miss Watt said, “That’s not enough stations! We need a running station.” So then they got a running station. Then Miss Watt said, “Let’s add another station. How about a skipping station?” How many Sports Day stations in all? ~ Ira
On Tuesday they set up 3 stations. On Wednesday they set up 5. How many stations set up? ~ Emily
There were 3 Sports Day stations ready & 5 were late to be set up. How many in all? ~ Cole
There were 5 Sports Day stations so the teachers thought they should have 3 more. How many all together? ~ Benjamin

IMG_7623Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to Emily who created a question for our Think Math answer last week, Way to Go Em!!!:
The answer is the product of 9 classes at Nelson. Teacher4
There are 3 classes outside. 3 in the gym & 3 in their classrooms. How many classes at Nelson? ~ Emily

The answer is the sum of 8 Sports Day stations.

Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Wednesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 30 students performing at the Volunteer Tea. choir
50 students performing at the Volunteer Tea then 4 of the tea cups came to life. Some of the students went in the tea cups because it was like being in a hot tub. 5 people in each tea cup. How many people still performing? ~ Emily
There were 31 students performing. One quit because it was hard. How many students left performing? ~ Dexter
There were 3 rows of 15 people on the stage. Then 15 fell off the stage. How many still on the stage? ~ Cole
There were 40 kids that were supposed to be at the Volunteer Tea but 6 kids moved 5 minutes before it started & 4 kids were absent. How many left? ~ Amber
100 students performing at the Volunteer Tea. 40 got sick & 30 fell off the stage. How many are left performing? ~ Ken
1 student performing at the Volunteer Tea in the gym. 20 students came back from their field trip so now there was 21. Mrs. Little said, “We’re missing 9 more people!” Just before the teachers went to look for the students they came back! How many people performing at the Volunteer Tea!? ~ Ira
29 students performing at the Volunteer Tea in the gym. There were 30 of them but a bus picked up 1 student & he went to Europe then he said, “No! This is not the place” so they went to Mexico & he said, “No! This is not the place. I want to go to Nelson School.” He said, “Okay, I get it.” Then they went to Nelson School. ~ Nigen

IMG_7133Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 220 students competing in Speed Demons. smileys-fitness-796311
 There were 221 Speed Demons. 1 got tired & went to sleep. How many left running?  ~ Mahtab

240 students competing in Speed Demons. 10 fell asleep & 10 threw up. How many left competing? ~ Ken
221 Speed Demons. 1 went off the track & sat to the side eating a big fat cookie. How many running? ~ Jishith
221 students were at Speed Demons. 1 had to go to dentist. How many left in Speed Demons? ~ Jasdeep
250 students running at Speed Demons. 20 students went to go have a bubble bath because they got dirty. 10 students were scared they might get last place so they called their moms to pick them up. How many kids running Speed Demons? ~ Ira
230 kids doing Speed Demons. Then Speed Demons chased 10 out of school. Luckily it was just their shadows! How many left doing Speed Demons? ~ Emily
There were 221 Speed Demons, but 1 quit. How many students left competing in Speed Demons? ~ Dexter
There were 222 people racing. 1 person pushed a guy over the fence & he got disqualified & the other person was hurt. How many still racing? ~ Cole
300 kids were in Speed Demons. 20 were sick & 80 twisted their ankles. How many left? ~ Benjamin

IMG_7075Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 30 flowers blooming in the garden. amazing-butterfly-smiley-emoticon-animation
50 flowers in the garden. Pesky bugs ate 20. The gardener was sad. How many flowers are left? ~ Yi
32 flowers blooming in the garden. 2 of them said, “This garden is too small.” So they ran to the airport & to go to China. They went & were never seen in Burnaby again! How many are left? ~ Nigen
There were 34 flowers blooming in the garden. Then a boy came & picked 4. He gave them to a girl & they got married. How many flowers left? ~ Michael
40 flowers blooming in the garden. 5 got picked & 5 dried up. How many are left? ~ Ken
29 plants already sprouted. 1 more sprouted. How many in all? ~ Jasdeep
10 daffodils are blooming in the garden. Then a girl planted 9 marigolds & they started blooming. 11 tulips said, “Hey! I want to be planted too.” So the little girl planted 11 tulips. How many flowers are blooming in the garden? ~ Ira
27 flowers blooming because I’m a great gardener. Then the other 3 bloomed 1 day later. How many flowers blooming in all? ~ Emily
There were 45 flowers blooming in the garden. Then 15 got mad that the others drank all the water & all the petals on their heads flew off. How many are left? ~ Cole
There were 60 flowers in the garden. 3 kids picked 10 each. How many flowers are left blooming in the garden? ~ Amber
5 gardeners were planting flowers. Each one planted 6. How many flowers will bloom in the garden? ~ Miss Watt

IMG_6981Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 11 hockey players on the ice. hockey%20player
19 players on the ice then 8 took a break. How many players did not take a break. ~ Emily
There were 13 players on the ice. 1 took a  break to play video games. Then another one fell & hurt themselves. How many left? ~ Amadeo
There were 15 Calgary & Vancouver players. Calgary bumped into 4 & they were on the side because they couldn’t play. How many left on the ice?
There were 6 players on the ice then 5 came out to play. Then they scored, Hurray! The home team wins the Stanley Cup. How many are playing? ~ Kristina

IMG_6884Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 15 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. SmileyRecycle
There were 10 classrooms cleaning up for the community clean-up. Mrs. Pace told the other 5 classrooms to clean up too. How many in all? ~ Shelley
There were 16 classrooms cleaning then 1 took a break. How many left over? ~ Dexter
9 classes doing Community Cleanup & 6 did it a little later. How many classes cleaning up the community? ~ Emily
10 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. Then Miss Watt’s class told Miss Cornell’s class to clean up for Earth Day! Miss Cornell told Mrs. Heighton’s class to clean up for Earth Day! Mrs. Heighton told 4 other classes to clean up for Earth Day! ~ Ira
There were 16 classes cleaning up. 1 class got tired & took a bubble bath. How many left over? ~ Jishith
20 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. 2 retired & 3 gave up. How many are left? ~ Ken
16 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day, but 1 class went outside & they were very hungry so they went to get a hot dog. How many left? ~ Nigen

IMG_6751Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 21 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. happyearthday
13 Earth Day projects are finished. 8 Genius Hour projects are done too. “No Earth Day projects!” yelled the teacher. So the kids changed them to Earth Day projects. How many in all? ~ Shelley
22 projects on the wall. Mr. Olsen swept one up. How many are left? ~ Oliver
20 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 1 more got made. How many are there? ~ Nigen
29 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 8 fell down. How many left hanging? ~ Ken
There were 23 Earth projects on the wall. 2 were taken down because they were bad. How many on the wall? ~ Jishith
15 Earth Day projects on the wall. Miss Watt put 6 more up. How many in all? ~ Ira
There are 20 Earth Day projects on the wall then one project came in late. How many in all? ~ Dayron
19 projects on the wall then 2 kids brought theirs in late. How many projects on the wall? ~ Emily

IMG_6700Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!