Category Archives: THINK MATH


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 22 students reading in the dark at Nelson. animated-smileys-reading-049
There are 30 students reading in the dark. 8 students got thirsty & lined up behind the water fountain. How many students left reading? ~ Julia
There are 20 students reading in the dark. 3 students joined. How many in all? ~ Mia
There are 23 students reading in the dark at Nelson. 1 went to the washroom. How many are left?
There are 24 students reading in the dark. 2 had to go to ELL, 1 had to go to the washroom, 1 student returned from ELL. How many students left reading?  ~Casandra
There are 16 people reading in the dark & 6 more people came. How many in all?   ~ Sahana
There are 23 students reading in the dark. 2 people finished their books & were bored. Then 1 person offered a book. How many in all? ~ Cayla

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
There are 20 students dancing in the gym. 3 students want hip hop music so they left. 4 students want dance classical music so they left too. How many students are left? ~ Julia  😀
There are 8 students in the bathroom. 2 students are dancing but are in a hurry to go to the bathroom. 7 students are dancing. Then 8 return & 2 go to the bathroom. Now how many are dancing? ~ Daniel
There are 17 people who like the song You Can’t Stop the Beat & are dancing. 4 people don’t like it. How many dancing to the song? ~ Nicole
There are 15 students dancing in the gymnasium. 3 had to go to the washroom. How many students left dancing? ~ Casandra
There are 14 kids playing Skittles & one got hurt. How many in all? ~ Cayla

IMG_2774Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstormsnowman-2
There are 20 snowmen. 5 were blown away in the snowstorm. How many are left playing in the snowstorm? ~ Cayla
There are 17 snowmen & 2 get hit. How many playing not hit? ~ Bariki
There are 19 snowmen. The wind blew 4 snowmen down. The wind was blowing so hard that it blew 2 more down. Some children come and build 2 snowmen & then went back in. How many snowmen in all? ❄️ ~ Casandra
There are 100 snowmen. 85 got swooshed away by a snow storm while the other snowmen sat on the bench getting hot coca from Santa. How many got hot coca? 🙂 ~ Chloe

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 7 elves still working in Santa’s workshop. santas-elf-smiley-emoticon
There are 12 elves working hard & 6 elves had to go to the washroom. 1 elf came back & got right to back to work . How many elves are still working? ~ Casandra
There are 200 elves working at Santa’s workshop on Christmas Eve. 193
elves did not finish making their toys & had to come with Santa on his
sled. How many elves left making the toys? ~ Chloe
There are 50 elves. 43 went outside to put some presents on Santa’s sled. How many left in Santa’s workshop? ~ Cayla
There were 17 elves getting their lunch & 7 of them left to work some more. How many are working? ~ Sahana
There are 88 elves in total. Santa kicks out 81. How many elves are still working? MERRY CHRISTMAS! ~ Daniel
There are 100 elves. 93 elves got buried in the snow. How many are left? ~ Gian
12 elves work in Santa’s workshop. 6 elves go to the washroom. 1 elf comes back from the washroom. How many in all working? ~ Vera
There are 20 elves working in Santa’s workshop. 13 elves leave for their cookie break how many are left? ~ Julia

IMG_2416Here’s next week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 22 snowflakes on children’s tongues. catching-snowflakes-smiley-emoticon
11 children catch 1 snowflake each. 11 more people catch 1 snowflake each. How many in all? ~ Vera

There are 100 snowflakes on children’s tongues. 78 kids eat the snowflakes. How many are left? ~ Gian
There are 12 snowflakes on children’s tongues in Quebec & 10 more in western Canada. How many in all of Canada? ~ Daniel
There are 100 kids & 200 snowflakes. A fire comes & burns 178 snowflakes. 78 kids leave. How many in all? ~ Zackary
There was 1 snowflake one 2 kids tongue. 1 girl had good luck & got 21 snowflakes. How many in all? ~ Nicole
There are 20 children with their tongues out & 2 more came. They all tried to get a snowflake on their tongues! How many children in all? ~ Casandra
23 snowflakes fell on tongues. 1 feel off. How many in all? ~ Cameron
There are 10 snowflakes on 10 children’s mouths & 12 more people want some snowflakes on their mouths. How many snowflakes on everyone’s mouths? ~ Cayla
There are 30 kids outside catching snowflakes with their mouths. 4 kids go in for hot chocolate & another group of 4 got a fever & went in. How many kids are still outside catching snowflakes? ~ Julia
There are 100 kids skiing & having fun up at Whistler mountain. There is a daredevil contest being held & the winner gets a prize. Only 78 brave kids enter. How many kids were smart to just watch the contest? ~ Chloe

IMG_2190Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
65 kids waiting in line to see Santasanta-smiley-emoticon
There are 6 kids. 59 come at 6:00. Santa comes at 6:20. The 1st person sat on Santa’s lap. How many in all? ~ Sukhman
There are 30 lids waiting for Santa then 35 kids come to also wait for Santa. How many in all? ~ Cayla

There are 64 children & one more came to see Santa. How many in all? ~ Elvis
There are 70 kids waiting to see Santa. 5 kids don’t want to. How many do? ~ Daniel
There were 100 kids but 35 went to Santa. How many left? ~ Shathu
There are 100 kids. 35 of them got in trouble & got kicked out. How many in all? ~ Zack
There were 70 kids waiting in line for their turn to get a picture with Santa. When they were finished, 5 kids left. How many kids left? ~ Amber & Selena
67 kids waiting in line. 2 left. How many are left? ~ Nicole
There were 61 kids kids that have already seen Santa & got a candy cane & 4 more people that have not seen Santa. Then at 8:30 Santa had seen 65 kids & had no candy left. How many kids did Santa see? ~ Casandra
There are 100 kids waiting in line to tell Santa their wish lists. 35 left the line. How many are left? ~ Julia
There are 32 people in the line. 33 more come. How many in all?
Now everyone is happy. ~ Vera
There are 70kids in line to tell Santa their wish. 5 kids figure out that that SANTA is FAKE & the real Santa is at the North Pole. How many did not figure out? ~ Chloe

IMG_1982Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 12 sea turtles left swimming in the ocean. swimming-turtle-smiley-emoticon
There are 18 sea turtles & 2 swim away. The tiger eats 4 sea turtles. How many are left? ~ Elvis
There are 20 sea turtles swimming in the sea. 4 people catch 2 sea turtles each. How many are left? ~ Julia
There are 14 sea turtles swimming with Mrs. James at 6:00A.M. By 2:00P.M. Mrs. James has 2 sea turtles. How many swam away? ~ Daniel
There is 1 turtle. 11 turtles came then 1 more came. 1 left. How many are left? ~ Nicole
There were 6 sea turtles that were swimming in the ocean & 6 more came & joined them. They swam together out into the ocean to find food to eat . How many sea turtles all together? ~ Casandra
There are 20 sea turtles swimming in the ocean & 1 person took 9 sea turtles. How many left? ~ Cayla

IMG_1860Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 35 poppies. poppy-emoticon
I had 40 poppies & gave 5 poppies away. How many are left? ~ Lincoln
There are 0 poppies. A boy gives 35 poppies. How many in all? ~ 
There are 100 poppies. 10 people take 55 poppies. A cat & dog play with 10 poppies. How many are left? ~ Julia
There are 41 poppies. 3 people take 2 each. How many are left? ~ Daniel
There are 25 poppies & 1 person brings 10 poppies. How many in all? ~ Bariki
36 poppies. 1 got lost. How many left? ~ Cameron
I am wearing 1 poppy. I have 34 at home. How many do I have in all? ~ Sukhman
There were 30 poppies & 5 just came in. How many poppies all together? ~ Casandra
7 rows of 5 poppies are growing in the field. How many poppies are there? ~ Mrs. James

IMG_1756Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 17 jack-o’-lanterns sitting in a row. carving-a-pumpkin
There are 12 pumpkins and 5 kids came and brought 5 more pumpkins then carved 17 jack- o’- lanterns. How many did they carve? ~ Casandra
There are 100 pumpkins. 83 got carved & are now jack-o’-lanterns. How many left? ~ Chloe
There are 7 angel pumpkins & 10 bat pumpkins. How many in all? ~ Cayla
There are 20 jack-o-‘-lanterns sitting in a row. 3 got knocked off. How many are left? ~ Julia
There were 7 jack-o’-lanterns. The farmer put 10 more in the line. How many in all? ~ Vera
There are 14 jack-o’-lanterns & 3 people give 3. How many in all? ~ Bariki
20 jack-o’-lanterns sitting on the edge of the stage. Mrs. James’ class danced the Monster Mash & knocked off 3. How many left sitting in a row? ~ Mrs. James
There were 17 jack-o’-lanterns sitting in a row. One broke & I carved one more. ~ Elvis

IMG_1528Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 5 pieces of candy left over. trick-or-treat
There are 20 candies. I ate 15. How many are left? ~ Elvis
There are 20 candy corns. 5 kids get 3 candy corns each. How many are left? ~ Julia
There is 1 gummy worm & 4 gummy bears. How many in all? ~ Gian
There are 6 candies & 2 people took 1 away. Another party puts 3 candies, Daniel Sedin eats 23 candies. How many are left? ~ Daniel
There are 15 pumpkins. 10 kids came to buy 10 pumpkins. How many are left? ~ Selena
There are 10 candies. One person ate 5. How many are left? ~ Amber
There are 7 pieces of candy & kids came & took 3 pieces of candy & then gave 1 back. How many left? ~ Casandra
There is a Halloween party. After the party there are 10 candies left. A boy eats 5. How many are left? ~ Sukhman
25 candies were in the haunted house. 20 kids took 20 candies. How many are left? ~ Benson
There are 100 pieces of candy. 95 kids get 1 piece each. If 95 kids get 1 piece each, how many are left? ~ Chloe
There are 10 candies & 1 kid took 5 candies. How many are left over? ~ Cayla

IMG_1402Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!