Category Archives: THINK MATH


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
65 kids waiting in line to see Santa. santa-smiley-emoticon
There are 55 kids in line. 10 joined in the line. How many in all? ~ Ella S
There are 60 kids waiting to see Santa. 5 more come. How many in all? ~ Helen
81 kids were in line to see Santa. 16 kids left. How many left over? ~ Marian
There are 75 kids in line to see Santa. 10 kids parents said that the line is too long so the 1o kids left. How many are left? ~ Ella L
There were 5 kids waiting in line to see Santa. 60 more joined in. How many in all? ~ Chace
There were 60 kids. 5 more came. How many in all? ~ Sunny
There were 60 kids in line. 5 more came. How many left over? ~ Kayla
There were 60 kids. 5 kids came in. How many in line? ~ Mykah
There were 59 kids in line to see Santa. 6 joined in. How many kids were in line to see Santa? ~ Emily
There were 35 kids and 30 more came. How many in all? ~ Aqsa
There were 59 kids waiting in line to see Santa. 6 joined the line. How many in all? ~ Avery
There are 55 kids waiting and 10 went in line with them. How many in all? ~ Emmet

IMG_1982Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 12 sea turtles left swimming in the ocean. swimming-turtle-smiley-emoticon
There are 18 turtles in the ocean. Then 6 turtles came out from the ocean. How many are left? ~ Ella S
In Hawaii I was swimming with 7 sea turtles. Later 5 more sea turtles joined in. How many in all? ~ Chace
There were 15 sea turtles. 3 went somewhere else. How many left? ~ Sunny
There were 20 sea turtles swimming off a beach. 8 went on land. How many are left? ~ Kayla
There were 14 sea turtles. 1 girl took 2 sea turtles. How many left? ~ Mykah
There were 16 sea turtles. 4 got caught. How many left? ~ Emily
There were 20 sea turtles swimming in the sea. 8 got captured. How many left? ~ Emily
There were 16 sea turtles swimming in the ocean. 4 swam away. How many left over? ~ Avery
There are 100 sea turtles. 88 got taken away. How many are left? ~ Emmet

IMG_1860Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 35 poppies. poppy-emoticon
There are 55 poppies. Kids took 20 poppies. How many left over? ~ Ella S
There are 12 poppies. 23 kids brought 23 poppies. How many poppies in all? ~ Marian
There are 40 poppies. The people that were away, which is 5, on Remembrance Day went to get their poppies. How many are left? ~ ?
There were 100 poppies. 65 kids took 1 each. How many left? ~ Chace
There were 40 poppies. 5 got picked. How many left? ~ Sunny
There were 50 poppies. 15 people took 1 each. How many left? ~ Mykah
There are 45 poppies and 10 people took 10 poppies. How many left? ~ Aqsa
There were 50 poppies. 15 got taken. How many left over? ~ Avery
There are 40 poppies left and 5 kids take 5. How many left? ~ Emmet

IMG_1756Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 5 pieces of candy left over. trick-or-treat
There were 30 candies. The kids took 25. How many left over? ~ Ella L
There are 1000 jawbreakers. 995 kids took 1 each and then 3 kids returned 3 jawbreakers. 2 kids bought them and 1 adult. How many left? ~ Chace
Ismael had a party. 5 people came. There were 10 candies and 5 people ate 5. How many left? ~ Ismael
There were 10 candies and 5 got eaten. How many left? ~ Sunny
There were 7 Starbursts in a candy bowl. 1 girl ate 2 Starbursts. How many left over? ~ Avery
There are 10 candies. 5 are taken by thieves. How many left over? ~ Emmet

IMG_1528Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 25 Halloween creatures in a haunted house.zombie-mummysmiley-spider
In the Haunted House there are 15 people being scary. 10 go inside the Haunted House. How many all together? ~ Ella S
There are 27 creatures in the Haunted House. When each kid (which is 2 kids) takes a creature. How many creatures are left? ~ Ella L
There were 20 creatures and 5 more joined the Haunted House. How many in all? ~ Sunny
There were 19 monsters in the Haunted House. 6 joined. How many in all? ~ Avery
There were 15 ghosts and 10 clowns joined in the Haunted House. How many in all? ~ Chace
There were 50 creatures in the Haunted House. 1/2 left. How many left over? ~ Emmet
25 crazy ghosts were in the Haunted House. 1 kid was too scared and ran off. 1 monster was sad and left. 1 more joined. How many in all? ~ Joaron
There were 24 kids dressed as creatures. Then 1 joined. How many in all? ~ Kayla
There were 27 creatures in the Haunted House. 2 kids came in and stole 2. How many left? ~ Helen
There were 55 ghosts. 3 kids went in and took 10 each out of the Haunted House. How many left? ~ Aqsa
There were 20 ghosts having a ghost party. 5 had money to join in. How many in all? ~ Ismael

IMG_1225Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 8 pumpkins left in the pumpkin patch. rolling-pumpkin
There was 9 pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. 1 kid took 1 pumpkin. How many were left? ~ Joaron
There were 28 pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. Poeple took 20. How many left over? ~ Ella S
There were 10 pumpkins in the patch. 2 kids took 1 pumpkin each. How many left? ~ Chace
There were 48 pumpkins and 40 were taken. How many left over? ~ Sunny
There were 10 pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. 2 people grabbed 2. How many pumpkins left over? ~ Kayla
There were 100 pumpkins on the field. 92 students took 1 pumpkin each. How many left over? ~ Rishi
There are 28 pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. 20 people took 20 pumpkins. How many left over? ~ Emily

IMG_1087 (1)Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 12 plants planted in Nelson’s garden.
At recess Ms. Watt, Ms. Tsumori and Ms. Mann’s classes all went outside and planted 4 plants each in the garden. How many plants were planted? ~ Ms. Watt
On the right side of Nelson there are 7 plants and on the left side of Nelson there are 5 plants. How many plants in all? ~ Chace
On the right side there are 10 plants and on the left side there are 2. How many in all? ~ Sunny
On one side there are 9 plants on the other there are 3 plants. How many in all? ~ Rishi

IMG_0945Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who took a chance & created questions to our 1st Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 200 kids raising money for Terry Fox.or
200 schools with 1 students in each school. How many people raising money? ~ Joaron
There are 50 people in 4 schools and they are raising money for Terry Fox. How many people all together? ~ Ella S
100 kids in Nelson School are raising money and another school that had 100 kids joined in. How many in all? ~ Helen
There are 4 schools and there are 50 students raising money for Terry Fox. How many in all? ~ Ella L
100 kids in a school raised money for Terry Fox and another school of 100 raised money for Terry Fox. How many in all? ~ Sunny
4 schools are raising money. Each school has 50 kids each. How many altogether? ~ Rishi
There are 200 kids at Nelson. Each person is raising money for Terry. How many in all? ~ Emily
There are 4 schools in Burnaby. In the 4 schools each have 50 kids who are raising money for Terry Fox. How many raising money? ~ Avery
There are 4 schools and 50 students in each who are raising money for Terry Fox. ~ Emmet

IMG_1223Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers this Friday!


IMG_1523Every Monday Miss Watt will post a new “answer” on our class Think Math chart.
Your challenge is to correctly write a number story / question that matches the answer on a sticky note & place it on your class number.
There are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!
Good luck Grade 2 & 3s! I can’t wait to share every Monday!!


Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 4s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!

The answer is 42 kids visiting Play land for the day.