Category Archives: THINK MATH


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is one whole school wearing pink t-shirts. 426821albff8f48j
There are 365 people wearing pink shirts. 0 people wore a pink sweater. How many people wearing pink t-shirts? ~ Marian
There are 368 pink shirts in the school. People bought them all. How many people wearing shirts? ~ Marian

IMG_3319Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 10 heart Valentine’s Day cards. valentine
There were 5 people handing out cards then 5 people forgot to handout cards. How many cards in all? ~ Ella S
There are 16 cards. 6 people took them. How many left? ~ Marian
There are 16 heart Valentines Day cards. 12 people bought them.  4 brought them back, then 2 brought them back. ~ Marian
There were 20 cards. A bald bandit stole 3. Chace bought 4. Sunny bought 1. Rishi took 3. Sunny donated 1. How many are left? ~ Sunny
1 person had 5 Valentine hearts then a person gave them 5 more. How many in all? ~ Kayla
There are 5 people that get Valentines and then 5 joined them. How many more are there? ~ Gurmannat
There were 5 Valentines and 5 more came. How many in all? ~ Aqsa
There were 19 heart Valentine cards. Then Bob didn’t like his so he threw his card in the recycling bin. Then Matt threw 8 more in the recycling bin. How many left over? ~ Avery
There are 100 Valentines cards out on the table. A bald bandit stole 90 Valentines. How many left over? ~ Emmet
There were 14 Valentine cards. Then 4 cards were robbed. How many left over? ~ Cruise

IMG_5960Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 30 Chinese New Year dragons in all. chinese-dragon-source_qdj%20(1)
There were 20 Chinese New Year Dragons in a Chinese village then 10 more came to scare people. How many in all? ~ Ella L
There was 1 dragon. 2 joined because of the promise of a roll of Mentos. 7 joined because they have nothing to do on Chinese New Year. 10 joined because Snoop Dog told them to. 10 more joined because they wanted to. How many in all? ~ Sunny
There were 7 Chinese New Year Dragons then 10 joined because they were free. Then 13 more joined because they are done their lunch. How many Chinese New Year Dragons in all? ~ Avery
There were 20 Chinese New Year Dragons. 10 came. How many in all? ~ Ella S
38 Chinese New Year Dragons came and 8 left because they saw a flower and they thought it smelled bad. Then 14 came and 14 left. 1 came and got food then it left. How many in all? ~ Marian

IMG_5809Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 4 chubby brown groundhogs. groundhog-284
There were 6 chubby brown groundhogs. 2 chubby brown groundhogs saw their shadows so they went inside. How many left? ~ Ella S
There were 10 chubby brown groundhogs. Then Barack Obama chased away 6 chubby brown groundhogs. How many left? ~ Chace
There were 8 chubby brown groundhogs. 4 got sick. How many are left? ~ Kayla
There were 8 chubby brown groundhogs then 2 left to go to a party. Then 2 more chubby brown groundhogs visited their parents. How many chubby brown groundhogs left? ~ Avery
There were 8 chubby brown groundhogs in the grass. 4 were scared. How many left? ~ Emmet
There were 10 chubby brown groundhogs. 6 dug a hole and went away. How many left? ~ Ismael

IMG_5840Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 22 students reading in the dark at Nelson.  animated-smileys-reading-049
There were 19 students from Ms. Watt’s class. They went downstairs to read in the dark. Then 3 students were late then they went downstairs. How many reading in all? ~ Ella S
There are 13 kids reading in the dark. 9 more came down. How many kids reading in the dark? ~ Marian
There were 16 kids reading in the dark. 18 came and 7 left. 3 more came and then 6 left. 18 are here, 4 came for 1/2 of reading in the dark. How many kids reading in the dark? ~ Marian
There were 25 students reading in the dark and 3 needed to go to the bathroom. How many left reading? ~ Ella L
There were 30 students. 1 was actually a double agent so he had to leave. Emmet had to leave because he caught the candy cane flu. 6 just left because they got super bored. How many left reading in the dark? ~ Sunny
There were 30 students. 1 ran out because his mom stubbed her toe. 2 were disguised as spies so they left. A devil scared 2 kids. 3 just left for no reason!! How many left? ~ Sunny
There are 23 students in a class. Only 1 student made it to reading in the dark. How many left? ~ Kayla
There were 19 students. 4 joined then 1 student had an appointment because Kiera needed an x-ray. How many students left reading in the dark? ~ Avery

IMG_5659Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 more cupcakes. 7007569
A bakery made 20 cupcakes. 5 kids ate 5 cupcakes each. How many are left? ~ Ella S
There were 5 cupcakes and 10 more came because some more got baked. How many in all? ~ Ella L
Barack Obama baked 7 cupcakes then Donald Trump came in and threw 6. Then Jake Paul came and made 9 cupcakes. Then Rishi became a savage and ate all 10. At 3:00am Justin Bieber baked 10. Then the Devil became really angry and ate all 10. Then in the year 4016 a Prime Minister baked 100 MIB cupcakes. Then Men in Black at 85 cupcakes. How many are left? ~ Chace
Rishi and Joaron were making 15 cupcakes while Sunny was back flipping. Sunny ran in and gobbled up 3. They made 3 more.
There were 5 cupcakes and 10 more were made. How many in all? ~ Aqsa
There were 40 cupcakes and 25 were eaten. How many left? ~ Aqsa
There were 17 cupcakes at the candy store. Then 2 customers threw 1 cupcake at each other at the cashier and the cupcakes splatted. How many cupcakes left? ~ Avery
There were 30 cupcakes. 1 girl named Isabella ate 1 then the mom had a birthday party and they had 17 cupcakes. The dad baked 3 more cupcakes. How many left? ~ Avery
There were 20 dogecakes. A kid stole 2 dogecakes. A spy shut down the dogecake store and took 1. 1 criminal broke in and stole 1 then a doge took 1. How many are left? ~ Sunny
There were 21 cupcakes. Rishi stole 1 and Chace called Donald Trump to steal 1 for him. Then team 10 took 1 and gave it to Nick Crompton. Then Drake took 1. Then Joaron took 1 and then Nyan Cat took 1. How many are left? ~ Sunny

IMG_2774Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
There were 8 students in the gym. 5 students came late. How many in all?~Ella S
There are 8 students in the gym. 5 were doing their work in the class then they finished and they came to join along. How many kids are in the gym? ~ Marian
There were 2 students. 11 joined in. How many in all? ~ Sunny
There were 15 kids dancing. A bald bandit stole 2 kids. How many left over? ~ Rishi
There were 20 kids playing basketball, 10 vs 10. When it was 3 mins & 50 seconds 7 kids had to go to the washroom. How many left? ~ Avery

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. snowman-2
There were 8 snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 7 join in. How many in all? ~ Ella S
There are 20 snowmen. 5 got blown away. How many left? ~ Helen
There are 10  snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 5 join. How many in all? ~ Helen
There are 20 snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 5 got swept away. How many snowmen left over? ~ Marian
There are 25 snowmen. 10 got cold. How many are left? ~ Ella L
There were 15 snowmen playing in the snowstorm. Then the snowstorm came and blew out 0. How many are left? ~ Chace
There were 0 snowmen. 15 joined. How many in all? ~ Sunny
There are 20 snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 5 leave. How many left over? ~ Kayla
There were 20 snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 5 left. How many left over? ~ Mykah
There were 25 snowmen playing in the snowstorm and 10 get blown away. How many left? ~ Emmet
There were 18  snowmen playing in the snowstorm. 3 got hit by a person. How many left over? ~ Cruise

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 7 elves still working in Santa’s workshop. santas-elf-smiley-emoticon
There are 10 elves in the workshop. 3 left. How many are left? ~ Ella S.
There are 12 elves making toys for kids. 5 get the Candy Cane Flu. How many are left? ~ Ella L.
There were 100 elves. 93 are on a break. How many are left? ~ Sunny
There are 10 elves in Santa’s workshop. 3 get sick. How many are left? ~ Kayla
There were 14 elves. 7 elves were sick because they ate 27 candy canes so they didn’t feel well. How many left over? ~ Avery
There were 10 elves in Santa’s workshop. 3 elves got a cold and flu. How many left over in Santa’s workshop? ~ Avery
There were 11 elves. 4 left. How many are left? ~ Emmet

IMG_2416Here’s next week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 22 snowflakes on children’s tongues.
20 kids had snowflakes on their tongues. 2 more came with snowflakes on their tongues. How many snowflakes in all? ~ Marian
There are 11 kids outside and it is snowing in the school playground. 3 kids come late then they go outside. The rest of the kids have 2 snowflakes on their tongues.   Since the 3 that came late have no snowflakes. How many altogether? ~ Ella L.
There were 23 snowflakes on children’s tongues. 1 melted. How many left? ~ Sunny
There were 20 snowflakes on the kids tongues. 2 more landed. How many in all? ~ Mykah
There are 12 kids out in the snow. 5 people’s parents said that it was too cold outside so they did not go outside. The kids who were outside were either building a snowman or trying to get a snowflake on their tongues (which is 6). 16 joined in. How many? ~ 
There were 44 kids in the snow. Half of them got snowflakes on their tongues. ~ Aqsa
There were 30 snowflakes on children’s tongues. 8 snowflakes melted on children tongues. How many left over? ~ Avery
There are 100 snowflakes on children’s tongues and 78 melted. How many left over? ~ Emmet
There were 10 snowflakes on children’s tongues. 12 more landed. How many in all? ~ Mykah

IMG_2190Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s & 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!