Category Archives: Star of the Week

Star of the Week!

Starting next week we will have a Star of the Week in our classroom. They will create a poster to share with the class and take home Geoffrey the Giraffe for a week of fun.  I can’t wait to learn more about all of you and hear all about Geoffrey’s adventures!
Stay to tuned to learn more about your classmates’ hobbies, families, adventures and favourite things!Click on the picture above to learn more about Kennedy!

Kaitlyn is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Kaitlyn!

Crystal is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Crystal!

Kayden is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Kayden!

Marcus is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Marcus!

Prabh is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Prabh!

Sylvia is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Sylvia!

Avi is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Avi!

Iris is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Iris!

Alfred is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Alfred!