Category Archives: School Sporting Events

Jump Rope 4 Heart 2018

On Friday, March 16th, for the 36th year in a row, Nelson students participated in:
Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others.
We jumped with our buddies & friends from 1:00-2:00 in the gymnasium & competed in challenges given by Mr. Morrison.
Click on the below picture to see us having fun & exercising our hearts!

Nelson Olympic Floor Hockey

NELSON FLOOR HOCKEYWe grabbed a hockey stick and instead of an arena in South Korea, we competed in our house colours in Nelson’s gym!
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympic Curling


Instead of 40 lb rocks, we grabbed beanbags & did our best impression of curling.
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympic Biathlon

biathlon2deUsing our newly acquired cross country skiing skills, we raced around the gym and traded in PyeongChang Olympic biathlon guns for scoops and bean bags.
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympic Alpine Skiing

dean1289561025419It was all about team work today! Grade 3 boys & girls lined up on the alpine skis, grabbed on tight & tried to move as in-sync as they could!
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympics Opening Ceremonies


olympic-torch-glitter-smiley-emoticonThe Nelson Olympics started on Friday with an opening ceremonies orchestrated by the one & only Mr. Gurniak. After parading in with our house teams we watched various exciting videos of the Olympic Games. The Nelson Olympic flag was raised, the torch was lit & all students recited the Olympic Oath.
Click on the torch to see the pictures of the big event!



Of course preferential treatment goes to Red House…

Primary Christmas Skate

Primary students travelled by school bus to Bill Copeland Arena on Friday, all bundled up & ready to skate! After lacing up our skates, we were ready to show off our skills!
Click on the picture to see us all in action on the ice!


Indoor Track Meet Fun!

Nelson had it’s annual Intramural Track Meet on Friday & the students participated in relays showing off their running, balancing, throwing, skipping & agility skills while competing for house points.
Division 8 did an awesome job in all events & were great cheer leaders for their team mates! Click on the smileys to see us in action!!


Nelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run on Fri. Sept. 22nd. After one week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry & collecting pledges, we raised an incredible amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation! Way to go Nelson!! We are the 2nd highest fundraising elementary school in Burnaby with fundraising totals over the last few years being:
2013 ~ $1430          2014 ~ $1097
2015 ~ $1,967          2016 ~ $2, 200

This week Nelson students will find out what their fundraising total this year is and will be rewarded for all their hard work!

CLICK on Terry to see runners in action!

T is for Terry Fox

To celebrate the memory of Terry Fox on Canada’s 150th and Burnaby’s 125th birthday Nelson students presented what Terry means to them with the above letters during our run day assembly.
(click on the letters for a closer look)