Category Archives: School Sporting Events

Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off!

Nelson Olympic Biathlon

biathlon2deUsing our newly acquired cross country skiing skills, the Grade 2s and 3s of Nelson raced around the gym and traded in Beijing Olympic biathlon guns for scoops and bean bags.
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympic Alpine Skiing

dean1289561025419It was all about team work today! Grade 2 and 3 boys and girls lined up on the alpine skis, grabbed on tight & tried to move as in-sync as they could!
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Olympic Curling


Instead of 40 lb rocks, we grabbed beanbags and did our best impression of curling.
Click on the smiley for pictures of the event!

Nelson Curls!

This week, Nelson begins our Winter Olympics competition with the sport of curling! Our version is done on the floor of the gymnasium with bean bags, but if you’d like to check out what the real sport is all about out, click on one of the videos below!

Nelson Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony


Tolympic-torch-glitter-smiley-emoticonhe Nelson Olympics started on Friday with an opening ceremonies orchestrated by the one and only Mr. Gurniak. After parading down the stage and through the gym in our classes, we were able to sit back and relax in our classrooms to watch the rest of the Opening Ceremonies which included choir performances and various exciting videos of the Olympic Games. The Nelson Olympic flag was raised, the torch was lit and we all recited the Olympic Oath (as seen below).

2021 Terry Fox Total!

Yay Nelson!! I have just received word of our grand total for our Terry Fox Run in September. A big thank you to all of our fundraisers this year. It was not an easy year to raise money and we beat our goal of $2,000. by more than 50%!
As for our school total…Drumroll please…
$3, 104.75

Cross Country Intramurals 2021

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 participated in our annual Cross Country competition on Thursday, October 7th. Students ran around the whole block, ending with a sprint towards the finish line at our playground. Division 9 Grade 3s had lots of fun racing for the 1st time against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job!


Nelson students participated in our 32nd annual Terry Fox Run on Fri. Sept. 24th. We have a goal of $2,000 and after a week of fundraising during a pandemic, we raised an incredible amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation! Way to go Nelson!!
We continue to be one of the highest fundraising schools in Burnaby with fundraising totals over the last few years being:

2017 ~ $2, 802          2018 ~ $2, 030
2019 ~ $3, 000
Nelson students will find out what their fundraising total is in the new year!

CLICK on Terry to see runners in action!

Try Like Terry

Nelson’s Terry Fox run will take place on Friday at 1:45pm.  Nelson will be meeting on Zoom to remember Terry and think about what’s possible, if we just Try like Terry. Then classes will be warming up and then running together on our usual routes around the school! All this week Nelson students and teachers are being encouraged to donate at least one toonie through School Cash Online and have the fundraising goal of $2,000…but I think we can beat it by at least 50%. Let’s! Go! Nelson!