Category Archives: School Sporting Events

Jump Rope 4 Heart 2023

Last week, for the 41st year in a row, Nelson students participated in:
Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others. It also teaches them how to recognize the signs of a stroke so that they may be able to help in a family members time of need.
We’ve been jumping with our friends in Ms Tsumori’s class and then jumped with Mr Morrison’s grade 7s in the gymnasium on Friday.
Click on the below picture to see us having fun and exercising our hearts!

Donate Now for Jump Rope for Heart!

Next week we are jumping for our hearts!
We will be jumping a couple times next week for Jump Rope for Heart 2023! We’ll be skipping for a 40 minute block and participating in many skipping challenges. Everyone’s been working hard on their skipping moves and I’m so excited for all the fun! PLEASE CLICK ON THE HEART PICTURE TO THE LEFT TO DONATE! Nelson has always been incredibly supportive of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and it’s grown in importance after losing our beloved custodian, Mr. Olsen, to a heart attack a few years ago. Ms. Tsakalos has set our fundraising goal at $3, 000. There will be reminders in our planners to wear runners and comfortable, cool clothing for our days of jumping! Don’t forget to bring your water bottle as well! Go Nelson Go!
Online donations will be open until March 24th.

Jump Rope for Heart 2023!

Cross Country Intramurals

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 participated in our annual Cross Country competition on Thursday, October 20th. Students ran around the whole block, ending with a sprint towards the finish line at our playground. Division 8 had lots of fun racing for the 1st time against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job!
Click HERE for more pictures.


Nelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run on Fri. Sept. 23rd. After one week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry and donating online, we raised an incredible amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation! Way to go Nelson!!
We have participated in the Terry Fox Run for 32 years and as of last year have a fundraising grand total of $39, 537. 69!!
Nelson students will find out what their fundraising total this year is soon and will be rewarded for all their hard work!

CLICK on Terry to see our Division 8
runners in action!

He never quit, and neither will we.

Nelson’s Terry Fox run will take place on Friday starting at 1:30pm.  Nelson students will be meeting in the gym for 2 separate assemblies. The Intermediates will assemble at 1:15 and then head out for their run and then the Primaries will assemble at 1:35 before heading out for their run. Students will be asked to think about how Terry Fox set the bar high for himself when he started his Marathon of Hope, saying, “Nobody is ever going to call me a quitter.” He never quit in his effort to help others suffering from cancer, and neither will Nelson students.All this week Nelson students and teachers have been encouraged to bring in at least one toonie and donate more if they’re able through School Cash Online. We have the fundraising goal of $2,000 and I think we can make it!
Let’s! Go! Nelson!
Please ensure your child dresses for the weather tomorrow. Comfortable shoes and an appropriate jacket (and hat) for rain or shine. Terry ran a marathon a day in all weather, we will run rain or shine in the memory of his incredible courage and determination. Please also send a water bottle as students will not be going in and out of the school to get water from the fountains.
Thank you to our volunteer parents and if any other parents would like to join us in running around the lower field, please join us after our assembly at ~1:50.
Any questions, please contact me at

Speed Demons 2022

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 participated in our annual Speed Demons competition this afternoon. Division 9 had lots of fun racing against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job! Click on the runner below to see everyone fly!sports_run

Sports Day is Coming…❄️

We met with our Grade 7 buddies today to put together the Sports Day banners and tally the amount of banner squares each House Team created. Every square equals one point and every point counts on the big day! 4 more days!!
Click HERE for a closer look.

Sports Day Spirit Days!

Sports Day is next Friday, June 3rd! Each day next week students will have an opportunity to wear each of the house colours to earn points for their own House Team. I can’t wait to see the sea of colours and feel the excitement of Sports Day grow during the week!
Go Green Grizzlies Go!!

Monday ~ GOLD DAY!Tuesday ~ BLUE DAY!
Wednesday ~ RED DAY!Thursday ~ GREEN DAY!

Jump Rope 4 Heart 2022

Last week, for the 40th year in a row, Nelson students participated in:
Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others. It also teaches them how to recognize the signs of a stroke so that they may be able to help in a family members time of need.
We jumped with our buddies outside on Wednesday and then with our friends in Ms Tsumori’s class on Thursday in the gymnasium.
Click on the below picture to see us having fun and exercising our hearts!