Category Archives: School Sporting Events

Cowardly Lions ROAR!

Funny Lion Cartoon3Division 7 & 8’s Grade 3s, 4s & 5s rocked their Hip Hop smiley-dance019dance on Friday!smiley-dance018
Everyone performed with strength & fierceness & wowed the crowd of students, teachers & parents!
Click on the roaring lion to see a video of our moves!
Thanks to our awesome teachers Mike, Mikey & Michael!

lionPost Dance Class PhotoClick on the lions to the right to see pictures of us in action as well!

Hip Hop

Nelson classes perform their Hip Hop dances that they have been learning over the past week tomorrow! Come see our moves in the gym @ 1:30!2367972-486416-angry-cartoon-lion-isolated-on-white-background

Division 8 must wear lion inspired colours: yellows, tans, oranges, browns etc. or animal prints. Mess up your hair too!
I can’t wait to see the dance come together & all your grrrrrrrrrreat moves!

Walk to School Wednesdays

 Nelson’s annual Walk to School Wednesdays start up this month!

Every Wednesday Miss Watt will be tallying house points for those students who bike or walk to school. Participate to become healthier & help your house team gain points!

Calling All Athletes!

0_EmoticoneEmoticone_com (18)Nelson had it’s annual Intramural Track Meet in December & the students participated in relays showing off their basketball, football, skipping & agility skills while competing for house points.
Division 8 did an awesome job in all events & were great cheer leaders for their team mates (special shout out to Red Team for their non-stop encouragement!)!
Click on one of the smileys to see us in action!!


Primary Christmas Skate

Primary students travelled by school bus to Bill Copeland Arena on Friday, all bundled up & ready to skate! After lacing up their skates & putting on a helmet, they were ready to show off their skills!
P1140476Click above to see us all in action on the ice!36_8_13

Cross Country Intramurals

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 participated in our annual Cross Country competition on Friday afternoon. Division 8 had lots of fun racing for the 1st time against other grade 3s & all did an awesome job! Click on the runner below to see everyone fly!sports_run


Terry Fox Run LogoNelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run on Friday. smiley_runningAfter only a week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry & collecting pledges, we raised $1430 for the Terry Fox Foundation!! Incredible!! Our fundraising in the last couple years has been: 2011 ~ $502 & 2012 ~ $642. We’ve more than doubled our last year’s total & this year’s goal! That’s the highest total that’s been collected since I started at Nelson 6 years ago & I’m so proud of all of your hard work! 

Click on the picture of Terry below to see our runners in action!



Mr. Gurniak & his students put on another great event last week with         Nelson’s annual BOWLERAMA!!P1100010


IMG_0157After a week of practice we participated in the official event on Friday & had a blast knocking down those pins!

Rhea & Eric T were our top scorers, with Jasleen & Orando close behind.  Click on the Bowlerama sign to see pictures of us bowling!

Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope

Friday, April 12th marks the 33rd anniversary of Terry Fox dipping his foot into the Atlantic Ocean and starting off on his remarkable Marathon of Hope. 

Terry Fox ran 42 km for 143 days, a total of 5,373 kilometres, before having to end his Marathon of Hope due to the return of his cancer. 

What Terry Fox inspired activity are YOU doing this weekend to mark April 12th ~ go for a walk with your family, help someone out, share your feelings about Terry on social media or make a donation online or text to donate using terryfox to 45678…

Share what you are doing to honour our Canadian hero’s remarkable journey by clicking on → Comments below Terry Fox & you’ll be entered to win a prize!

Congratulations Nelson students on continuing to be active and helpful members of our community!      Miss Watt

Jump Rope 4 Heart

On Friday, March 15th, for the 31st year in a row, Nelson students participated in:

Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others.

Students had the option to fundraise for 2 weeks
& participating Division 9 students fundraised, drumroll please…


Our top Heart Heros are Keanna & Lucas with the combined fund-raising total of $365.oo! WOW!!! Well Done!

We jumped with our buddies & friends from 10:30-12:00 in the gymnasium & competed in challenges given by Mrs. Lentz & Miss Watt.

Click on the below picture to see us having fun & exercising our hearts!