Category Archives: School Fundraisers

Jump Rope 4 Heart

On Friday, March 15th, for the 31st year in a row, Nelson students participated in:

Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others.

Students had the option to fundraise for 2 weeks
& participating Division 9 students fundraised, drumroll please…


Our top Heart Heros are Keanna & Lucas with the combined fund-raising total of $365.oo! WOW!!! Well Done!

We jumped with our buddies & friends from 10:30-12:00 in the gymnasium & competed in challenges given by Mrs. Lentz & Miss Watt.

Click on the below picture to see us having fun & exercising our hearts!

Division 9 Change Makers!!

We started out with the goal of filling one of the bags with our pennies, but with the help of many generous donations, our class managed to fill over TWO bags = $50.oo worth of pennies!

This means that we have provided clean water for TWO people in need for the rest of their lives!!!penny driveCLICK ON THE PICTURE ABOVE TO SEE INFORMATION ON THIS CAUSE