Category Archives: School Fundraisers

Grade 7 Gift Basket Raffle


Starting today, Nelson’s grade 7s are selling tickets outside the staff room for a chance to win 1 of 3 wonderful gift baskets. You can choose to purchase tickets for the Spa & Pamper, Entertainment & Snacks or the Toys & Games basket.
Tickets are $2 for 1, $5 for 3 & $10 for 7! I picked up 7 tickets today & am crossing my fingers! Join me in supporting our hard working Grade 7s!

Nelson Movie Night!

onesheet $1.00 per admission
Friday, October 30th, 2015
Doors & Concession open at 5:30pm
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Nelson School Gym Smiley31-1
FOR SALE: hotdogs, Kernels popcorn, juice. water. coffee, tea
* admission & concession sales go to our foster child Maria Marni Bifel
~ sponsored by the Nelson PAC ~

We Scare Hunger


After an inspiring WE DAY concert last week, Nelson’s ME to WE club is starting an exciting year of fundraising by holding a food drive for the We Scare Hunger campaign. Please bring non-perishable food items to school until November 13th to help support our local community. Students in the Me to We club will be collecting items from individual classes.
Thank you for your support!

Terry Fox Challenge

IMG_0823Click on the picture of Ms. Tsumori & I to see how Nelson’s incredible fundraising of $1,966.75, our best fundraising year since first participating in 1986!!, had us take on the Terry Fox Challenge & chop off our locks for a great cause!
Way to Go Nelson!! babc6780a748a8974b97e73b65b4ed96

Terry Fox Readers Theatre

Division 8 performed a readers theatre at our Terry Fox assembly on Friday, September 26th. Click on Terry’s picture to see the great job these brave Grade 3s did, only 2 weeks into the new school year!


terry-fox-run-35-yearsNelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run last Friday. smiley_runningAfter one week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry & collecting pledges, we raised over $1900 for the Terry Fox Foundation!! Way to go Nelson!! Our fundraising over the last few years has been:
2011 ~ $506
2012 ~ $642
2013 ~ $1430
2014 ~ $1097

We reached this year’s goal of $1200! I’m so proud of all of your hard work!
This means a Nelson teacher will be cutting off their hair to donate to make wigs for children fighting cancer. Stay tuned to see who it is!!
Click on the 35 above to see our runners in action!
Grade 3s, what was your favourite part of Friday? The assembly, the run, your readers theatre…? 


IMG_8218You did it Grade 3s!! Your baking was outta this world & with one Bake Sale you raised $171.35! Holy cow!! 3114406315_1_2_9DOpUGWi
In total with our fundraising efforts over the past couple months of $136.80 we have a grand total of, drumroll please…


Looks like our fundraising goal of a Farm Animal Bundle is a reality! YAY!!! Grade 3s, you will be providing 3 goats & 15 chicks, giving a family the chance to sell eggs & milk, pay for school fees & learn the skills to run a sustainable small business. Plus, enough money to provide a dairy goat to another family as well! What an accomplishment & what a way to finish off the school year, I’m so proud of you Division 8!! Thank you parents for all of your support through financial contributions, donations of your cans & bottles & by baking up such delicious treats with your kids! Within just a few months WE at Nelson are CREATING CHANGE across the world! Wow.



Along with continued student donations & cans & bottles donated by Emily & Trinity’s families, we’re up to almost enough donations to provide 3 dairy goats!!!

Miss Watt will have information this week about our upcoming bake sale & we’ll have to make a decision on whether we’ll continue raising money for a number of…

Goats that Give Back ~ $50.00 each
Provide a dairy goat, a source of nutritious
milk & sustainable income.
Open a world of possibilities for a family.

OR, do we try to fundraise enough to…

Farm Animal Bundle ~ $250.00
This bundle of three goats & 15 chicks
gives a family the chance to sell eggs & milk,
pay for school fees & learn the skills
to run a sustainable small business.

What do you think Grade 3s!?



What an incredible start Division 8!
We’re on our way to providing a dairy goat, a source of nutritious milk & sustainable income, & opening a world of possibilities for a family overseas!!

Bring in your cans & bottles and start thinking about what baked good you’d like to sell at an upcoming bake sale!


CHANGE STARTS WITH US DIVISION 8! FTC14_303_WeCreateChange_Poster_Rnd01_v02_MO3Goats are amazing animals; they can survive in difficult conditions, aren’t picky eaters, & can produce 16 cups of milk a day, which can supplement student meals or be sold to help pay for school improvements. With enough time, they can also breed & grow into a herd!

Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 11.20.41 PM

After only 3 days we already have $47.00 towards donating our 1st dairy goat! Wow!!! I’m so excited to see how much change we can raise/collect to make a positive change in the life of a family overseas.
Ideas on how we can raise money grade 3s!? Comment below!