Category Archives: School Fundraisers


On Wed., Oct. 18th, grade 7 students from Nelson’s Me to We club joined almost 18,000 other students and teachers in Rogers Arena to be inspired to create change in their local and global communities. Click on the logo for a recap of the day!

Stay tuned for many opportunities to support these change-makers in their various fundraising initiatives during the upcoming year.


Nelson students participated in our annual Terry Fox Run on Fri. Sept. 22nd. After one week of fundraising, bringing in Toonies for Terry & collecting pledges, we raised an incredible amount of money for the Terry Fox Foundation! Way to go Nelson!! We are the 2nd highest fundraising elementary school in Burnaby with fundraising totals over the last few years being:
2013 ~ $1430          2014 ~ $1097
2015 ~ $1,967          2016 ~ $2, 200

This week Nelson students will find out what their fundraising total this year is and will be rewarded for all their hard work!

CLICK on Terry to see runners in action!

T is for Terry Fox

To celebrate the memory of Terry Fox on Canada’s 150th and Burnaby’s 125th birthday Nelson students presented what Terry means to them with the above letters during our run day assembly.
(click on the letters for a closer look)

Terry Fox Tees

Dear Nelson families,                            
As part of our fundraising for The Terry Fox Foundation, there is an opportunity for students and their family members to purchase Terry Fox t-shirts in order to have them to wear on our school run day on Friday, September 22nd.
The design is shown above and is black in colour.
Youth shirts are $15 and adult shirts are $20, with an adult only Dry-Fit option for $30.
SIZING CHART for Dry-Fit t-shirts
There is no shipping or tax & 75% of the price of every shirt sold benefits cancer research.

If you are interested, please have your order submitted to Miss Watt by Wednesday, September 13th. CASH ONLY.

Thank you so much for your support!

Terry Fox Tees

Dear Nelson families,                            
As part of our fundraising for The Terry Fox Foundation, there is an opportunity before the end of the school year for students & their family members to purchase Terry Fox t-shirts in order to have them to wear on our school run day in September.
Youth shirts are $15 & adult shirts are $20. There is no shipping or tax & 75% of the price of every shirt sold benefits cancer research. 
If you are interested, please have your order submitted by Friday, June 24th.. CASH ONLY.
You will also have an opportunity to purchase one in September, although sizes may be limited and it will not arrive by our run day.

Thank you so much for your support!

We Create Change

FullSizeRenderFor 2 weeks, Me to We members will be collecting coins as our final 2015/16 fundraiser towards providing clean water to people in need in Ecuador.
Students will be visiting classrooms every morning to collect!
Please dig into your piggy banks to help us meet our year goal of $800.00 for Ecuador.

Support our grade 6 & 7s!!

As Nelson gears up for Sports Day, the grade 6s & 7s are starting a new fundraiser! Starting Monday, May 30th, silicone bracelets in Nelson’s colours, purple & yellow, will be sold at lunch starting after the 2nd bell.
Wear them on Sports Day, or any day!, to show your NELSON PRIDE!!

Thanks in advance for all of your support for our fabulous, hard working grade 6s & 7s!IMG_7316

Jump Rope 4 Heart 2016

On Friday, March 11th, for the 34th year in a row, Nelson students participated in:
Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others.

We jumped with our buddies & friends from 10:30-12:00 in the gymnasium & competed in challenges given by Mr. Morrison.

Click on the below picture to see us having fun & exercising our hearts!

Nelsonites! Are you ready to be JUMPCREDIBLE?!

On Monday Nelson was treated to a motivating Jump Rope for Heart assembly. We were reminded how Nelson is the only school in British Columbia to have participated in all 33 years of Jump Rope for Heart & we’ve raised over $268,188!
This year we’ve set a school fundraising goal of $8000 & also set goals to beat the 18 online registrations from last year & the 170+ students who fundraised.
skipping-a-rope-smiley-emoticonClick on the picture below to register online & receive a FREE $5 Kick-Start pledge, plus your very own Jump Rope for Heart skipping rope! Cool!
Screen Shot 2015-02-19 at 8.24.04 PM

Nelson Movie Night!

8779$1.00 admission
Friday, February 26th, 2015
Doors & Concession open at 5:00pm

Movie starts at 6:00pm
Nelson School Gym
FOR SALE: hotdogs, Kernels popcorn, juice. water. coffee, tea

In support of the Grade 7 Grad!