Category Archives: School Events

The Monster Mash ~ It was a Nelson Smash!

After weeks of practice & hard work the Grade 1s & 3s in Division 12 & 8 ghoulishly performed the Monster Mash. Click on the picture below to see!

Pumpkin Patch!

Pumpkin Patch Time! rolling-pumpkinNelson students split into their family groups on Wednesday afternoon & participated in activities with their family group teacher & then went outside to pick a pumpkin & enjoy some delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows provided by our wonderful PAC parents ~ Thank You!!!

Click on the PUMPKINS above to see some pictures & have fun at home with your pumpkin! Send in pictures of your Jack O Lanterns!!

TERRY FOX Assembly Presentation

Division 8 did an incredible job presenting our Terry Fox Acrostic Poem
at our Terry Fox pre-run assembly. Here we are!:B1291728DC19E9CC3927B891DB52

Nelson’s Centennial Garden

Welcome Back Nighthawks!! Last year an artist was invited to come & work with all the students at Nelson to create beautiful nature themed art to decorate the fence along our new Centennial Garden. The PAC spent hours of their own time & time with students planting the garden, maintaining it & then decorating the fence with the pottery leaves & creatures from nature at the end of last school year. Thank you so much PAC for all your hard work! It’s so nice to have such a beautiful area at Nelson & Division 8 is particularly lucky to have our classroom look down upon it!! It’s admired everyday & is a great first impression of Nelson School as people drive, walk or bike along Irmin Street.



There is  also a beautiful mural created by the artist & a select group of students inside the school. It’s to celebrate 100 years of Nelson & illustrates what it is to be the best Nelson Nighthawk you can be! It is showcased as you enter Nelson from the staff parking lot, outside Miss Tsakalos’ kindergarten classroom, Rm. 101. Come & admire the students talent & hard work!


Click on the image above to see close ups of the pottery!

G is for GAMES & H is for HAT

P1100896G ~ 2 days full of GAMES! We celebrated yesterday with the run through of Primary Sports Day. We learned 7 new GAMES as we went through all the stations.  
H ~ We were lucky to have an amazing sunny day today for Sports Day, so we wore our HATS to protect us from the hot rays of the sun.

I had so much fun seeing everyone come through my Noodle Javelin station & I hope you all had fun participating in all the stations & competing in the tug-of-wars too! Congratulations to GREEN HOUSE on their big Sports Day win!
Click javelin-smiley-emoticon to see our fun!

Esso Cup

banner_2114On Wednesday, April 24th  we were incredibly lucky to have the Edmonton Thunder visit us at Nelson. We welcomed them in our gym with our signs held high, showing our Nelson Spirit! The team autographed signs & pennants before being introduced & seeing a power point full of pictures of their team’s great accomplishments! After the assembly, the girls came around to autograph our planners and answer all of our questions. We wished them luck & then they were on their way to an afternoon game!

red-light-hockey-smiley-emoticonAfter lunch, the BP team from Nova Scotia came to our classrooms & handed out hockey puck erasers & shared their team cheer with us. We met them again during gym class when some team members practiced passing around the puck & shooting with us. What a cool experience!

puckThe best part came on Thursday, April 25th when we went to Bill Copeland arena to cheer on the Edmonton Thunder to a 3-2 win over Quebec! Division 9 had front row seats to all the excitement & were right next to the player’s bench so we got to high five them as they left & returned to the ice each period. Lucky us!

thunderClick on the Edmonton Thunder logo above to see all the action!!

Heart Heroes of Nelson

The numbers & prizes are in!!

The Nelson School Community raised $7, 289.52 for the 31st year of Jump Rope for Heart, with Division 9 having the 3rd highest total with $666.75!

Nelson is the only school to have participated, in all of British Columbia and the Yukon, from the very beginning of the program!

In total, Nelson’s community has raised $260, 249.45 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Now that’s an achievement to be very proud of!


Walk to School Wednesdays!

As we begin to see sunnier, beautiful spring weather, there’s no better time for Nelson’s annual Walk to School Wednesdays to begin!

Starting this Wednesday, April 3rd, & every Wednesday for the rest of the year, leadership students will tallying house points for those students who bike or walk to school.

Primary Days of Music

Nelson’s Primary Choir did an incredible job performing at Primary Days of Music on Monday morning. We were joined by Windsor, South Slope, Maywood and Brantford, singing songs together and as individual choirs.

Did you catch us featured on Nelson’s homepage!?
Congratulations Primaries for making Nelson proud!

The choir will be performing again for parents at our upcoming month end Celebration of Learning.
Stay tuned for details and we hope to see you there!!

Wait til you see us DANCE!

The students had lots of fun dancingwith Joanne this week and they did an awesome job presenting their dance on Friday afternoon to an excited crowd!

Click on the picture below to see Division 9 & 10 dance to ‘Follow the Leader’: