Category Archives: School Events

The Meaning of PEACE

Better late than never??

In November, with Ms. Burns’ creative idea, our class created a video with our Grade 6 & 7 buddy class. Please click on the poppy below to find out what peace means to us…


Nelson’s Centennial Celebration

This gallery contains 6 photos.

In September we had Nelson’s Centennial Celebration.  As part of our celebration,a time capsule was dug up.  It had been buried 20 years ago for Burnaby’s Centennial.      

Nelson Students Create Change!

From November 13th – 23rd, Nelson students are
collecting pennies to help out a worthy cause.
Click on the image above to find out more information about Free the Children.
Empty out your piggy banks and donate your pennies today!

Division 9 students making their first contribution to our classroom bag.

Let’s fill it up!