Category Archives: Library

TumbleBooks are back!

Tumble-booksTumbleBook Library is a collection of children’s eBooks including animated talking picture books.
Click on the picture to
start the fun!!

Library Volunteers Needed!

Our fabulous librarian Mrs. Roberts is looking for volunteer parents / family members to help her in the library shelving books. If anyone has time during the day or knows another parent at Nelson who might like to help out, please let myself or Mrs. Roberts know! Even 1/2 an hour helps a lot!! Any amount of time is helpful & would be very much appreciated by Mrs. Roberts.
Thanks so much! Mrs. James 🙂

Nelson Book Beasts! 50 Nights Due!

Our 1st 50 night Book Beast sheets are now due & Division 8’s grade 3s are on their way to 100% participation!
If you have misplaced your sheet & not recording your reading every night, please click on the bookworm below to link to our library’s page & print yourself off a new Book Beast sheet.
New Bookbeast Sheet

BUILD IT! Summer Reading Club

2015_posterRegistration for the Build It Reading Club starts TODAY, June 15th,  at all Burnaby Public Library branches!
Reading for fun helps kids discover books, & regular reading over the summer helps them maintain or improve their skills. Every club member who reads, or is read to, for 50 days earns this year’s Summer Reading Club medal! Check out the exciting building themed story times, workshops & interactive displays happening all summer long at a library near you!

BookBeast Success!!


I’m so proud of our 100% 50 Nights participation! An extra congrats to our 200 Nights readers: Cole, Ira, Oliver, Cecilia, Amadeo, Trinity, Benjamin, Anki, Michael, Anna, Kristina, Amber, Emily, Ken & Yi!
That takes a lot of commitment & shows a lot of responsibility!



Celebration is Sweet! Division 8 has been doing an incredible job bringing in their library books & have been having lots of fun reaping the benefits.
Keep up the good work grade 3s!
Let’s see how many stars we can get up on our very own Pillar of Fame!

Pillar of Fame!    Free Playground Time!

I Want To Fly ~ starring Yi!

Yi & her family made a video that was created as part of the Burnaby Digital Storytelling Project. I think is very important for everyone to take a few minutes to watch this inspiring video.
Yi’s mom, Ada’s, digital story is inspired by her experience as an immigrant to Canada. Like many immigrants, she wanted to give her daughter a better life. The themes seen here were inspired by Yi, who has always wanted to fly & who loves birds. Ada chose to make all of the sound & drawings with Yi.
In Ada’s words, the story is “special, a work of both of us.”

Well done Yi!! You & your mom did a beautiful job & you should feel very proud!
After watching the video grade 3s, do you have any connections to Yi’s experience?

Library Success! YAY!!

What an exciting day in the library & a wonderful way to start off the new year!! In a show of awesome reading & responsibility, all students in Division 3 returned their Bookbeast 50 nights sheet & all their library books! Yay!!!
IMG_5279      IMG_5283
This is my 1st class at Nelson to have 100% & I am so excited to have everyone reach 100 nights over the next couple months! Keep up the reading & recording each night Grade 3s & don’t forget your library books next Wednesday morning! Let’s keep our own pillar in the library by adding stars by the end of January!!

Before that happens, Grade 3s (& parents if you’d like!) share below what your favourite book was to read over the holidays. Or, if you’d like, do you have a favourite Christmas story you enjoy reading each year as a tradition?
Why is it your favourite?

I look forward to reading all about these wonderful books!!

Place your computer mouse over the books below to see who is reading / has read which books! Keep up the great work Grade 3s!

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House {04C9DE52-927C-4765-BAAE-66733A200C17}Img400 swamp+water 61+45skp4PL__SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ Harry_Potter_and_the_Goblet_of_Fire

GENIUS HOUR Research Engines

Below are search engines that can be used for all the fascinating topics we are researching for our Genius Hour projects! reading

IGOR the Bookbeast

 Mrs. Roberts announced at March’s Celebration of Learning Assembly that IGOR the Bookbeast would travelling around Nelson finding cozy places to read his favourite books.
Igor’s travels ended last week after being welcomed into 19 classrooms in Nelson & now he’s back resting in the library with the best librarian in Burnaby, Mrs. Roberts!
photo 2Below are pictures of Igor’s travels!

Unfortunately, no correct guesses for the 1st 4 classrooms:
Miss Watt, Miss Tsakalos, Mrs. Heighton & Miss Edwards!!Miss Watt Miss Tsakalos Mrs. Heighton Miss Edwards

Congratulations to Christina Qi for correctly guessing all 4 teachers during Igor’s 2nd week of classroom visits! Yay!
Miss Marino, the Office, Mr. Gurniak & Miss Cornell!!
Miss Marino the Office Mr. Gurniak Miss Cornell

Congratulations to Christina, Onisha, Mireia & Ericka for correctly guessing all 4 teachers during Igor’s 3rd week of classroom visits!
Miss Gatenby, Mr. Phillips, Mrs. Mann & Mr. Grant!!
Miss Gatenby Mr. Phillips Mrs. Mann Mr. Grant

Congratulations to Amanda, Kihan, Angelina, Richard, Mireia, Brandon, Christina, John, Ericka, Adrian, Onisha & Jessica for correctly guessing all 3 teachers during Igor’s 4th week of classroom visits!
Ms. Dodd, Ms. Gauthier & Mr. Morrison!!
Ms. Dodd  Ms. Gauthier  Mr. Morrison

Congratulations to Division 8 for correctly guessing all 4 teachers during Igor’s 5th & last week of classroom visits!
Miss Sam, Mrs. Little, Miss Lowe & Mrs. Roberts!!
Ms. Sam  Mrs. Little  Miss Lowe  Mrs. Roberts ~ Home!